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Leonard tilted his chair back on two legs and stretched his long body.伦纳德把椅子向后倾斜,仅以两条腿作支撑,然后舒展开他长长的身躯。The shot went between the goalie's legs.球从守门员两条腿之间穿过。Actually, no-one has legs of exactly equal length.实际上,没有人的两条腿是一模一样长的。It's apparently rare for anyone to have two legs the same length.显然,一个人两条腿的长度完全相同的情况是很少见的。He sat there swinging his legs.他坐在那儿晃着两条腿。My legs were numb from kneeling.我的两条腿都跪麻了。His legs felt heavy as concrete.他的两条腿沉得像灌了铅一样。His legs ached continually and his insides hurt.他的两条腿一直疼,肚子也难受。Billy sat on the edge of the desk, swinging his legs.比利坐在桌子的边上,摇晃着他的两条腿。His legs were aching from pedalling too fast.他的两条腿因为蹬得太快而酸疼。His legs knocked against the chair.他的两条腿撞到了椅子。She had stringy hair and skinny legs.她的长发稀疏,毫无光泽,两条腿跟竹竿似的。After treatment, her distorted hip had straightened, so that her legs were the same length.经过治疗,她那变形的臀部变直了,所以两条腿也一样长了。He was wounded in both legs and severely peppered with shrapnel.他两条腿都受伤了,人也被如雨的弹片炸成重伤。She stumbled forward, her legs leaden.她蹒跚着往前走,两条腿像灌了铅一般。He stood with legs spraddled over a large basket.他叉开两条腿站着,胯下是一只大篮子。Leonard tilted his chair back on two legs.伦纳德把椅子向后倾斜,仅以两条腿作支撑。I have this creeping crud all the way down both legs.我得了像有东西在我两条腿上爬行的这种怪病。 |