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词汇 冲动
例句 These impulses are often totally unconscious.这些冲动常常完全出自无意识。The desire to laugh became a compulsion.想要笑出来的愿望变成了一股强烈的冲动She's impulsive and often does things that she later regrets.她容易冲动,经常做一些事后后悔的事。He felt a compulsion to say something.他有想说点什么的冲动He fought off the resurging need for a drink.他好不容易按捺住了再次袭来的想喝一杯的冲动He is too impulsive to be a responsible prime minister.他太容易冲动,很难成为一个负责可靠的首相。Once inside her apartment she felt an urge to brush her teeth.一回到自己的公寓,她就有一种想要刷牙的冲动He felt a surge of recklessness.他感觉到一阵不顾一切的冲动We are all subject to aggressive impulses.我们都有攻击他人的冲动He overcame his urge to run from the room.他压抑住了想跑出房间的冲动Many purchases are related to hedonic impulses.许多购物行为和享乐冲动有关。She was possessed by a frenzied urge to get out of Moscow.她内心有一种想要逃离莫斯科的狂热冲动She is an impulsive person; we never know what she will do next.她是个容易冲动的人;我们从来不知道她下一步想做什么。He felt a sudden compulsion to laugh out loud.他突然感到有一种要大声笑出来的冲动He said that they were just a bunch of knee-jerk liberals.他说他们只是一群冲动的自由主义者。His impulsive temperament regularly got him into difficulties.他容易冲动,经常因此惹麻烦。All day she had fought off the impulse to telephone Harry.一整天,她都在抑制自己的冲动,没有打电话给哈里。I obeyed an impulse to pick up the phone.冲动之下我拿起了电话。He was high-spirited and impetuous.他情绪高昂,行事冲动Consumers make a lot of impulse purchases.消费者常常冲动购物。It's a compulsion to write, more than talent, that makes a writer.成为作家要有天分,但更要有创作的冲动He suppressed the desire to run from the room.他克制住了跑出房间的冲动His impulsiveness surprised her. He was normally so careful.他的冲动令她惊讶,平常他很谨慎的。He had to fight down the impulse to sneak out.他不得不克服自己想偷偷溜走的冲动Wade resisted an impulse to smile.韦德强忍住想笑的冲动He kissed her impulsively.冲动地吻了她。She has now paid a high price for this impulsive gesture.她现在已经为这个冲动的动作付出了高昂的代价。Obeying an impulse, he entered the library.他一冲动就进了图书馆。He still couldn't understand the impulse that had made him confide in Cassandra.他仍然难以理解是什么样的冲动使他向卡桑德拉吐露了秘密。The nerves carry impulses to the brain.神经把冲动传送至大脑。She could hardly resist the urge to turn and run.她几乎抑制不住转身跑掉的冲动I yielded to an impulse.我没有忍住冲动When she saw all the people in the audience, she had a sudden urge to run away.当看到观众席全都是人时,她突然产生了想要逃走的冲动You were both a prey to compulsions.你俩都太冲动了。I don't get as emotional as I once did.我不像以前那么冲动了。There's no need to go hog wild just because it's Sarah's birthday - she won't want such a fuss.仅仅因为今天是莎拉的生日就冲动过了头,这实在是没必要,她不想小题大做。She was unpredictable, explosive, and impulsive.她难以捉摸、脾气暴躁且冲动鲁莽。With characteristic rashness and valor, Peter plunged into the icy water.以他惯有的冲动和勇气,彼得一头扎进了冰冷的水中。Adolescent suicide is rarely an impulsive reaction to immediate distress.青少年自杀很少是由于突然发生不幸而作出的冲动反应。He usually stays quite calm in meetings but this time he just lost his head.开会时他通常都很冷静,但这次他却很冲动




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