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词汇 出庭
例句 He was ordered to appear the following day, but absconded.他被传唤于第二天出庭,可是他逃跑了。He appeared in court on a murder charge.他因被控谋杀罪而出庭She has been summonsed to appear at St Albans magistrates' court.她已经收到传票,要求其到圣奥尔本斯地方法院出庭Two important witnesses were no-shows.两位重要证人并未如约出庭He had to appear before the magistrate.他必须出庭接受地方法官的审判。Sir Nicholas Gammon QC appeared on behalf of the defendant.御用大律师尼古拉斯·甘蒙爵士代表被告出庭He is due to appear in court today.他将在今天出庭Divorce no longer requires a court appearance.离婚不再需要出庭She had received a summons to appear in court.她已经接到法院传唤其出庭的传票。A material witness failed to appear in court.一名重要的证人没有出庭He was up for slander.他被控犯有诽谤罪而出庭They came to court with fresh evidence that would, they said, blow the prosecution's case completely out of the water.他们出庭时带来新的证据,他们说这些可以彻底推翻原告的指控。Nora was placed under house arrest and would have to appear in court.诺拉受到软禁并将非出庭不可。The man will appear before magistrates later today.该男子将于今天晚些时候在治安法庭出庭He will appear at Manchester Crown Court next week.下周他将在曼彻斯特刑事法庭出庭They appeared at court yesterday to deny charges of murder.他们昨天出庭否认谋杀指控。The suspect must appear and may be legally represented.嫌疑人必须出庭或由律师代表。The work involves preparing case files and attending court.需要做的工作包括整理案件档和出庭The lawyer acting on behalf of Mrs Anderson said he would continue the fight to clear her name.代表安德森夫人出庭的那位律师说,他将为了洗清她的罪名而继续争取。It is possible to bring small claims before the courts without having to pay to be legally represented.如果想通过法庭索取小额赔款,不花钱请律师出庭也是可以的。She appeared as a character witness.她是作为品格证人出庭的。She is too young to appear before the court.她年纪太小,不应该出庭He will be appearing as a witness at the trial.他将作为证人在审讯时出庭McFarlane will appear as a witness for the prosecution.麦克法兰将作为控方证人出庭She refused to testify against her brother.她拒绝出庭提供对她哥哥不利的证言。The police chief will appear in court today to answer charges of corruption.警察局长今天将出庭就多项腐败指控进行答辩。The defendant was declared incompetent to stand trial.被告被宣告不具备出庭资格。The military court which tried him excluded two of his lawyers.审判他的军事法庭拒绝让他的两位律师出庭辩护。She was instructed to appear in court the next morning.她被要求第二天早上出庭The defendant failed to appear for arraignment.被告在传讯时没能出庭He has been served with a subpoena to answer the charges in court.他接到传票要出庭应诉。He will appear before a grand jury investigating the case.他将出庭面对调查此案的大陪审团。Campbell was hauled up in front of the magistrate.坎贝尔被传讯到地方法院出庭He was ordered to appear in court the following day, but absconded.他被传唤于第二天出庭,可是他逃跑了。The court ruled unanimously in her favour.全体出庭人员一致判定她胜诉。She will appear in court next Friday.下星期五她将出庭Police were anxious to avoid any ugly scenes when the two boys made their first appearance in court nine days ago.九天之前这两名男孩首次出庭,警方想尽力避免有任何混乱的场面出现。He appeared in court in his convict's stripes.他穿着犯人的条纹囚服出庭They will appear before a court-martial.他们将在军事法庭出庭Wilson was represented in court by a top criminal lawyer.一名顶尖的刑事律师将代表威尔逊出庭辩护。




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