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词汇 冰冻
例句 I could do with an ice-cold beer.我想喝一瓶冰冻啤酒。Sorbet is sometimes served between courses to cleanse the palate. 有时候在上菜间隔会上冰冻果子露来清清口。The guests were drinking coffee, lemonade, or sherbet.客人们正在喝咖啡,柠檬水或冰冻果子露。Our feet crunched on the frozen snow.我们的双脚嘎吱作响地踩著冰冻的雪地。Pipes may need insulating against the cold.管道可能需要隔热以防冰冻There was a hard frost last night.昨夜有严重冰冻The kids were rewarded with ice-cold lemonade.孩子们得到冰冻的柠檬水作为奖励。The lake was frozen over until late spring.这片湖泊直到晚春的时候仍是冰冻着的。The arctic shore remains frozen until the summer thaw.北冰洋海岸一直冰冻到夏融。Refrigeration and canning facilities are growing to take care of surplus seasonal foods.冰冻和装罐设备正在不断增多,以便保藏多余的季节性食物。The icy roads were sanded after the storm.暴风雪过后冰冻的道路被撒上沙。Turn sparkling wine into Buck's Fizz with the addition of chilled orange juice.在发泡葡萄酒里加冰冻橙汁,做成巴克菲士鸡尾酒。The gun froze, jamming the mechanism.枪受到冰冻,卡住了击发装置。In freezing conditions, sleet can congeal on vehicles.冰冻条件下,雨夹雪会冻结在车辆上。What if it rained and then froze all through those months?要是那几个月一直又下雨又冰冻怎么办?They use fresh fish, as opposed to fish that has been frozen.他们使用的是新鲜鱼,而不是冰冻鱼。Their boots crunched loudly on the frozen snow.他们的靴子踩在冰冻的雪上发出嘎吱嘎吱的响声。The meltwater puddled the flat sea ice.融化的冰水在平坦冰冻的海面上形成许许多多的水坑。A horse thudded over the frozen grass.一匹马蹬蹬地在冰冻的草地上狂奔。Cold lemonade is just the thing on a hot day.冰冻柠檬汁正是热天所需要的东西。I had to walk in frozen ruts in the snow.我只得沿着雪地中冰冻的车辙前行。Over Illinois, the storm broke, paralyzing the state with blizzards and freezing temperatures.在伊利诺伊州,风暴突然来临,暴风雪和冰冻的天气使整个州陷入了瘫痪状态。The frozen chicken is rock-solid.冰冻鸡肉硬如石头。It froze hard last night.昨夜有严重冰冻




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