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词汇 shoulders
例句 The acrobats formed a pyramid by standing on each other's shoulders.杂技演员一个站上另一个的肩膀上表演叠罗汉。He squared his shoulders and took a deep breath before diving into the pool.他挺直肩膀,做了个深呼吸,然后扎进了游泳池。Her father proudly rubbed shoulders with local gentry and even members of the peerage.她的父亲以结交当地名流甚至贵族成员为骄傲。Too much work has been placed on his shoulders.加在他身上的工作太多了。He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. 他肩负的责任重大。Glynis was beside her, putting a protective arm around her shoulders.格莉妮丝在她身边,呵护地用胳膊搂住她的肩膀。The crowd hoisted him onto their shoulders and carried him triumphantly down the main street.人群把他举到肩上,意气风发地抬着走在大街上。The lion's share of the responsibility for getting things done fell on my shoulders.把事情干完的大部分责任落在我的肩上。He braced his shoulders as the snow slashed across his face.雪花如刀割般刮在他的脸上,他绷紧了双肩。Her long golden hair hung loose about her shoulders.她一头金色长发从肩膀上自然垂下。Trainers rub down his back and shoulders.教练员用力擦干了他的背部和肩部。He has the burden of a large family on his shoulders.他肩负着养活一大家子人的重担。She claims that she rubs shoulders with royalty all the time.她声称她一直和王室成员有交往。He had broad shoulders and muscular arms.他有宽阔的肩膀,肌肉发达的手臂。She looks as if all the cares of the world are on her shoulders.她看上去像是天下的烦心事都由她一个人来扛似的。She frees her mass of hair from a rubber band and shakes it off her shoulders.她解开橡皮筋,将浓密的头发披散在肩头。It's time to tone the muscles in your upper arms and shoulders.该锻炼一下你上臂和肩膀的肌肉了。She was still in her nightdress, with her hair hanging loose over her shoulders.她还穿着睡衣,头发披散至肩。The dress tied around her neck, leaving her shoulders bare.裙子在她脖子处用带子缚住,双肩赤裸着。Her hair hangs down below her shoulders.她秀发垂肩。She hunched her shoulders in the cold.她在寒冷中耸起双肩。Tim hoisted the boy onto his shoulders.蒂姆把那个男孩举到自己的肩膀上。She grabbed at his shoulders for support.她抓住他的肩膀作支撑。No one suspected the anguish he carried on his shoulders.没人觉察出他所承担的痛苦。After I finally told my mother about my concerns, I felt as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. 我最终把我的担心告诉母亲之后,感觉如释重负。Her hair was loose and hung on her shoulders.她的头发散披在双肩上。I put my arm around his shoulders.我搂住他的双肩。Her shoulders are rounded.她长着一副溜肩。The muscles in my neck and shoulders should relax after a nice hot shower.舒舒服服洗个热水澡之后,我脖子和肩膀上的肌肉就应该放松了。Her hair fell loose around her shoulders.她的头发披散在肩上。He caught her troubled expression, and put an arm around her shoulders.他看见她表情苦恼,便伸手搂住她的肩。She stands head and shoulders above him.她比他优秀得多。Stern twitched his shoulders.斯特恩抖了抖肩膀。Tony shrugged his shoulders with ostentatious lack of interest.托尼耸耸肩,夸张地表示他没有兴趣。He carried the little boy on his shoulders.他肩上扛着那个小男孩。He slung his arm around my shoulders.他把胳膊搭到我肩上。He lifted the load onto his shoulders.他把货物扛到肩上。She was standing by the door, her blue robe hanging from her shoulders.她站在门边,蓝色的袍子从肩上披垂下来。The shirt clung to his wet shoulders.衬衫贴在他湿漉漉的肩膀上。Her long hair hung loose about her shoulders.她的长发松散地垂落在肩上。




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