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词汇 shouted
例句 The corporal shouted an order at the men.下士向士兵们发出号令。Her attempts to reprimand him were quickly shouted down.她本想斥责他,但很快就被大声喝止了。The audience stamped and shouted.观众又是跺脚又是高声叫喊。She shouted at the top of her lungs. 她用尽了力气大声呼喊。He shouted at me down the telephone.他在电话里对我大喊大叫。Pushy journalists shouted questions from the crowd.咄咄逼人的记者在人群中大声提问。He shouted into the mouthpiece.他冲着话筒大嚷。A few people in the audience shouted out questions.听众中有几个人大声提出了疑问。The meeting was disrupted by a group of protesters who shouted and threw fruit at the speaker.一群抗议者一边呼喊一边向发言者投掷水果,让会议无法正常进行下去。He shouted for joy.他高兴得喊了起来。With one accord they shouted their approval.他们一致发出赞同的呼声。The guests all shouted in outrage.客人们都愤怒地叫喊起来。The woman upstairs shouted down at us and threatened to call the police, as she had done many times before.楼上的女人探下头呼喝我们,威胁要报警,像她以前多次干过的那样。Salter shouted with joy.索尔特欣喜地叫喊着。I shouted at mother to get the police.我冲着母亲大喊,让她去叫警察。I shouted and he looked around.我喊了一声,他回头看了一眼。The dog groveled at his feet when he shouted at it.他一叫,那狗就趴在他脚下。She shouted out commands to the crew.她向全体工作人员大声下达命令。Gloria knocked on the door and shouted "Wakey-wakey!"格洛丽亚敲着门喊道“醒醒,醒醒!”He must have got out of bed on the wrong side today, because he has shouted at everybody in the office.今天他准是情绪不佳,办公室里的每一个人他都训斥了。He shouted out in pain when the doctor moved his broken ankle.医生挪动他受伤的脚踝时,他疼得大叫起来。The politician worked the crowd up until they shouted together.那政客鼓动群众的情绪,使他们一起喊叫。Mary's spit flew as she shouted.玛丽喊叫时唾沫四溅。She shouted herself hoarse, cheering on the team.她为球队加油把嗓子喊哑了。The drowning boy shouted for help.溺水的男孩大声呼救。I'm not surprised he shouted at you! How would you like to be pushed into a wall?他冲你嚷我一点都不奇怪!你愿意被人推到墙上吗?Ben put his hand over the mouthpiece and shouted to me.本用手捂住话筒,对我大叫。The crowd in the arena shouted for the gladiator to finish off his opponent.竞技场的观众高喊着让角斗士彻底干掉对手。She jumped out of the cupboard and shouted "Boo!"她从衣橱中跳出来大喊了一声“哇!”She called/shouted after him as he walked away. 他刚走开她就追在身后大喊起来。Crowds shouted and pushed to get a glimpse of their hero.为了一睹英雄的风采,人群喊叫着,推搡着。The horsemen reined in and shouted at the men behind to turn back.骑手们勒缰停住,对身后的人大嚷,让他们回去。A member of the press pool shouted out a question to the president.媒体集团的一位成员大声向总统提了一个问题。"Get out of here!" she shouted furiously.“滚出去!”她怒喝道。Emily shouted over the din of the alarms.埃米莉在警报的嘈杂声中大声叫喊。She shouted wildly at him, shaking her fist.她挥舞着拳头向他怒吼。He had shouted himself hoarse in his frenzied efforts to attract attention.他发疯似地高声大叫想吸引别人注意,嗓子都喊哑了。Lieutenant Peterson shouted the order to retreat.彼得森中尉大声下令撤退。He shouted at Louise and in the end reduced her to tears.他对着路易丝大喊大叫,最后把她惹哭了。The demonstrators shouted and waved signs.示威的人群边高呼口号边挥舞标语。




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