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词汇 写作
例句 His writing benefits from the shade of Lincoln hovering over his shoulder.他的写作得益于他感到已故的林肯一直在他身后激励着他。Before he had finished one novel, he had another on the stocks.他一本小说尚未完稿,已在进行另一本小说的写作了。 I found solace in writing when my father died three years ago.我父亲三年前去世时,我从写作中得到了慰藉。His writing is influenced by his ethnic background.他的写作受到其种族背景的影响。The two authors come from different schools of writing.这两位作家属于不同的写作流派。He looks to authorship as his career.他盼望以写作为业。Writing calls for a critical attitude of mind that he did not possess.写作需要有批判性思维,而这正是他所不具备的。She devoted herself entirely to writing.她全身心投入写作He had prostituted his talent as a writer, churning out cheap thrillers.他糟蹋了自己的写作天赋,炮制了很多粗俗的惊险小说。Charles began writing as a way of trying to find himself.查尔斯开始写作,以试图发现自我。He writes with a simplicity that is coupled with humour.写作的风格于质朴中见幽默。As a writer of great talent he speaks with clarity and eloquence.作为一位才华出众的作家,他能清晰而流畅地写作What was the writer's intent?作者的写作意图是什么?She often writes as a social historian, though never dully.她经常作为一名社会历史学家进行写作,不过作品从不索然无味。The novel was the end result of years of work.这本小说是多年写作的成果。He couldn't make his living as a writer so he returned to teaching.他无法靠写作谋生,于是回去教书了。He enjoys the solitude of writing.他享受独自写作的日子。The theme of freedom recurs throughout her writing.自由这一主题在她的写作中反复出现。She wrote with renewed enthusiasm after meeting with her editor.与编辑面谈后,她以全新的热情投入了写作When she first started writing, she would have done anything to get an article printed.她刚开始写作的时候,为了发表一篇文章,她干什么都愿意。He depended on his writing for his income.他靠写作挣钱。I've put my acting career on the back burner for a while, while I concentrate on my writing.我已经暂时不考虑我的演艺事业,而先集中精力写作He tried to write in a biblical style.他试著以《圣经》体写作This income was derived directly from his writing.这笔收入直接来源于他的写作He wrote under the name of Gadlfly.他用牛虻的名字写作His writing has become more assured as he has gotten older.随着年龄的增长,他进行写作时更为胸有成竹。Try to avoid using clichés in your writing.写作时尽量避免用陈词滥调。They will concentrate on teaching the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic.他们将集中教授阅读、写作和算术基础知识。His writing has appeared in many other print and online publications.他的写作还以许多印刷出版物和在线出版物的形式出现。He wrote largely from remembrance.他主要凭记忆写作Eric Blair wrote under the pseudonym of George Orwell.埃里克・布莱尔用乔治・奥韦尔这个笔名进行写作She wrote in a familiar style.她用亲切的笔调写作Bowring has written under the alias of Pentatonik.鲍林用彭特托尼克的化名写作He used to use a lot of flowers of speech in his writing.过去他在写作中爱用华丽的词藻。He writes in his own home in his own good time.他在自己家里从容不迫地写作When you write, avoid sandwiching the bad news between an irrelevant, indirect, or overly cushioned beginning and end.写作时,要避免在毫不相关、拐弯抹角或过度铺垫的开头和结尾之间插入坏消息。I used to write during my free periods at school.过去我经常在课余时间写作Financial success in writing is chancy and something few authors ever attain.写作致富是靠不住的,没几个作者能实现。Reading, writing, and arithmetic are the fundamentals of education.阅读、写作和算术是教育的基础部分。Shakespeare's plays in chronological order写作先后次序排列的莎士比亚剧作




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