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词汇 冒险
例句 I believe in progression, in taking risks, in never getting stale.我崇尚进取、冒险和永不倦怠。It would be tempting fate to say that we will definitely win the game.要说我们肯定会赢得这场比赛,还真有点儿冒险It was the ultimate adventure.这是一次终极冒险Some people take crazy risks because they get a thrill from courting danger.有些人疯狂地冒险,因为他们从历险中得到刺激。The cardinal rule in working with large powerful animals is never to take any risks.对待大而凶猛的动物的重要规则是永远不要冒险The children were looking for adventure.孩子们渴望冒险The company is highly competitive and not averse to taking risks.该公司非常有竞争意识,并不怕冒险I set off for a new adventure in the United States on the first day of the new year.我在新年的第一天启程,开始在美国的新冒险He risked a cautious glance over the wall, and saw a group of guards standing by the gate.冒险从墙头小心翼翼地看出去,看到大门旁有一队卫兵站着。I was still uncommitted to the venture when we reached Kanpur.我们到达坎普尔时,我仍未拿定主意是否去冒险I am not risking my neck for anyone!我可不想为任何人拿性命冒险Starting her own business was a gamble, but it paid off.创办她自己的企业是一场冒险,但是她成功了。Choosing a dry cleaner can be like a horribly expensive lucky dip.选择干洗店就如同一次代价非常昂贵的冒险Their move to Latin America was a leap in the dark.他们迁居拉丁美洲是件冒险的事。It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.是金钱驱使这些渔民驾着破旧小船冒险出海远航。He has adventure in his blood.他天生具备冒险基因。She liked the adventures of a spy.她喜欢间谍的冒险As a young man he went off to Africa, looking for adventure.他年轻时去了非洲寻求冒险的经历。We can't risk any damaging scandals just before a Presidential election.总统大选在即,我们不可以冒险让任何有破坏性的丑闻传出。Because they don't risk money, corporate financiers are considered wimps by traders.公司金融家不肯拿钱去冒险,所以被商人视为胆小鬼。The show is about two couples and the adventures of their rebellious offspring.这部戏讲了两对夫妇,以及这两对夫妇的叛逆子女的种种冒险Robson was trying to be as diplomatic as possible - he didn't want to risk losing a promotion.罗布森说话办事尽量圆滑—他不想冒险失去升职的机会。A good pilot never takes a risk.优秀的飞行员从来不冒险If I might hazard a guess...如果我可以冒险猜一下的话⋯This was not the time to take risks; he knew he should play it by the rule book.这不是冒险的时候;他明白他应该照章办事。The newspaper chanced its arm by printing the story.这家报纸冒险报道了这件事。His move to America was a leap in the dark.他迁居美洲是件冒险的事。On the train up to Waterloo, I felt like I was going on an adventure.坐在开往滑铁卢的火车上,我觉得自己好像正踏上一趟冒险旅程。This was a big gamble for the prime minister.这对首相来说是一次巨大的冒险His daring may have cost him his life.他的冒险可能让他断送了性命。They have shown a reluctance to take risks.他们显得不情愿去冒险You must be stark raving mad to risk your money like that!你那样拿钱冒险,真是疯到家了!She wrote the script on spec.冒险写下了脚本。If we gamble and succeed, no one will mind. But if we gamble and fail, we'll probably lose our jobs.要是我们冒险成了没人会在意,但假如冒险失败,我们可能就要失业了。Prudent people are not going to take a leap in the dark.小心谨慎的人是不会轻易冒险的。His competitiveness impels him to take risks.他的争强好胜驱使他冒险Rather than running the risks of using harmful pesticides in your garden, try using natural or organic methods of pest control.尝试使用天然或有机的方法来防治花园里的虫害,而不要冒险使用有毒的杀虫剂。It is a marvellous book, which brings together all the necessary elements of romance and adventure.这是部出色的小说,浪漫和冒险的成分应有尽有。He was taking a chance on a relatively new young actor.他在冒险用一个出道不太久的年轻演员。Aren't you chancing your arm a bit giving up a secure job to start up a business?你放弃稳定的工作去开办公司是不是有点太冒险了?




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