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词汇 莫名其妙
例句 The car swerved crazily, and plunged off the road.汽车莫名其妙地突然拐弯,冲出道路。For all my effort to enlighten her, she is still all adrift.尽管我设法使她开窍,她却仍然莫名其妙His wife scolded him endlessly, without rhyme or reason.他的太太莫名其妙地骂他个不停。And then, unaccountably, she giggled.接着,她莫名其妙地咯咯笑了起来。For some eerie reason, Lily felt queasy every time she saw him.由于某种莫名其妙的原因,莉莉一看见他就感到局促不安。I just can't get over her leaving so suddenly.她这么突然地离去,我直到现在还是莫名其妙There's something odd going on.正在发生一些莫名其妙的事。He had an unaccountable change of mind.莫名其妙地改变了主意。It would upset them both to no purpose.那会莫名其妙地使他俩感到苦恼。This proposal has no rhyme or reason.这个提议莫名其妙All the tyres on his lorry had mysteriously emptied themselves of air.他卡车上的所有轮胎都莫名其妙地瘪了。I hate having strangers barging in on me like this.我讨厌老是这样被陌生人莫名其妙地撞上纠缠。Suddenly, out of nowhere, she offered me the job.突然,莫名其妙,她给了我这份工作。Woods disappeared in very bizarre circumstances, and no trace of him has ever been found.伍兹莫名其妙地失踪了,从此下落不明。He suddenly, unaccountably, burst into tears.他突然莫名其妙地泪流满面。He felt oddly distant from her.他觉得莫名其妙地跟她疏远了。She had an irrational fear of cats.她对猫有一种莫名其妙的恐惧。Two weeks later, the shop burned to the ground under mysterious circumstances.两个星期以后,这家商店被莫名其妙地烧得一干二净。I missed him, in a funny kind of way.莫名其妙地想念他。I somehow got shanghaied into babysitting for my sister's kids.莫名其妙地被迫临时照看姐姐的几个孩子。A large diesel tank mysteriously leaked its contents into the river.一个大型柴油罐的柴油莫名其妙地泄漏到河里去了。He smiled, making her suddenly feel oddly vulnerable.他微微一笑,让她突然感觉自己莫名其妙地脆弱起来。We were confused by all the legal mumbo jumbo.我们被所有这些莫名其妙的法律用语弄糊涂了。I often suffer from unaccountable headaches.我常莫名其妙地头疼。My husband, for some unknown reason, suggested that I loved my birds more than him: as if I would.我丈夫,莫名其妙地,暗示我爱鸟甚于爱他:仿佛我真如此似的。I don't know what started the argument. It just seemed to blow up out of nowhere.我不知道是什么引发的争论,像是莫名其妙就发生了。His mother would alternate inexplicably between kindness and cruelty.他母亲会莫名其妙地时而和蔼时而凶暴。The person may become dizzy for no apparent reason.这类人可能会莫名其妙地感到头晕。His wartime experiences were inexplicably absent from the diaries.他的战时经历莫名其妙地从日记中缺失了。Their equipment was beset by gremlins.他们的设备总是莫名其妙地出故障。For no reason at all the two men started to laugh.两个人莫名其妙地开始大笑。Your attitude gets me.你的态度令我莫名其妙He tends to get upset for no reason.他很容易莫名其妙地心烦。She stared at him, confusion fogging her brain.她感到莫名其妙,眼睁睁地望着他。As chairman I was left to carry the can for a decision that made no sense and was not of my doing.身为主席,我被迫为一个莫名其妙并且不是我作的决定承担责任。I was bemused at his sudden anger.我被他莫名其妙的怒气弄糊涂了。It was all double Dutch to me.这些话让我觉得莫名其妙He felt irritated and strangely fragile, as if he were recovering from a severe bout of flu.他心烦气躁,身体也莫名其妙地虚弱,就好像正在从一场重感冒中恢复过来。I got wrought up over nothing.莫名其妙地感到焦躁不安。He left an unintelligible message on my voice mail.他在我的语音信箱里留了条莫名其妙的信息。




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