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词汇 left-wing
例句 She's got very left-wing views.她持非常左派的观点。The media depict him as a left-wing bogeyman.媒体把他描述成一个左翼大反派。There are fears that welfare cuts could provoke a rebellion among left-wing MPs.有人担心削减福利可能会引起左翼国会议员的反抗。A lot of colleagues were put off by her left-wing opinions.许多同事讨厌她的左翼观点。They said they would not be voting for him because he was too left-wing.他们说不会投他的票,因为他思想太左。There no longer seem to be any plausible left-wing candidates left.好像再也没有可靠的左翼候选人了。The left-wing of the party is confident that the motion will be carried.党内的左翼成员有信心该动议会获得通过。Many actors were blacklisted for having left-wing sympathies.许多演员因同情左派而被列入黑名单。He lost out to his left-wing adversary.他败于他的左翼对手。Joe is very active in left-wing politics.乔在左翼政治中很活跃。There was a Labour rebellion when some left-wing MPs voted against the Chancellor's tax cuts.工党内部发生内讧,一些左翼国会议员对财政大臣提出的减税政策投了反对票。The Communist Party has become the main target for critical attack among left-wing intellectuals.共产党成了左翼知识分子批评的主要对象。He aimed to forge a new path between traditional left-wing and right-wing politics.他的目标是在传统的左翼和右翼政治之间另辟蹊径。Do you agree that left-wing politics are losing ground among the working classes?你是否同意左翼政治观点正在失去工人阶级的支持?They seem to be trying to get rid of all left-wing elements in the party.他们似乎想清除党内所有的左翼分子。Radical left-wing parties gained control of local authorities.激进的左翼政党控制了地方当局。Her views are fairly left-wing.她的观点相当左倾。The people that come to watch the play are all those right-on left-wing sort of people.来看演出的都是那些有自由主义思想的左翼分子。He announced, to left-wing cheers, his administrative policies.在左翼人士的一片喝彩声中,他宣布了他的施政方针。The restaurant was once the meeting place for leading French left-wing intellectuals such as Sartre and de Beauvoir.这家餐馆一度是萨特和德·波伏瓦等法国主要的左翼知识分子的聚会场所。He has won over a significant number of the left-wing deputies.他争取到了相当数量的左翼代表的支持。I was always regarded in the Army with a certain amount of suspicion because of my left-wing tendencies.由于我的左翼倾向,在军队中我总是受到一些猜疑。The party is seeking to find a middle way between extreme right-wing and left-wing policies.那个政党正在寻找一个介于极右翼政策和极左翼政策之间的中间路线。They are left-wing visionaries.他们是左翼空想家。He belonged to the left-wing group.他属于左翼集团。Artistic people tend towards left-wing views.搞艺术的人往往会持左翼观点。By failing to condemn the march, she was appeasing left-wing elements in the party.她没有谴责这次游行,这是在姑息党内左翼分子。It's not "left-wing or right-wing" - political opinion is a long continuum.这不是“左翼或右翼”的问题——政治观点是长期形成逐渐演变的。




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