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词汇 内政部
例句 The Home Office acknowledges that much crime goes unreported.内政部承认很多犯罪活动没有举报。The Home Office have resurrected plans to build a new prison just outside London.内政部重提计划,要在伦敦市外建一座监狱。There are two men called Buckley at the Home Office.内政部有两个人叫巴克利。The Home Office is usually quick to deport undesirables.内政部通常会迅速地将不受欢迎人士驱逐出境。A Home Office report has raised doubts about the cost-effectiveness of the proposals.内政部的一份报告对这些提议的效益提出了质疑。The measures are being enforced by Interior Ministry troops.这些措施正由内政部士兵实施。The Home Office is usually quick to deport undesirables.内政部通常会迅速将不良分子驱逐出境。In a pre-emptive move the Interior Ministry arrested a number of suspected dissidents.内政部抢先行动,逮捕了许多持不同政见的嫌疑人。The Home Office has been accused of inexcusable incompetence.内政部被指责能力极其低下。The Home Office said at that time that it was minded to reject his application for political asylum.那时候内政部称其准备驳回他的政治避难申请。According to the Home Office, your brother died of natural causes.根据内政部的调查,你哥哥属正常死亡。Stung by recent publicity, the Home Office now seems to be trying to brazen this issue out.内政部被最近的宣传搞得很苦恼,现在似乎想要硬着头皮面对这个问题。The Bill could reach the statute book by the summer if it attracts the support of Home Office ministers.该法案如果能得到内政部各部长的支持,将可能在今年夏天之前被收入法令全书。The announcement came after a meeting at the Home Office.内政部会议结束后,声明随即发表。Stung by recent publicity, the Home Office now seems to be trying to brazen this issue out.在最近的公众舆论刺激下,内政部现在似乎想要把这个问题硬撑下去。The Home Office said that it was minded to reject his application for political asylum.内政部表示有意拒绝他的政治避难申请。Two senior civil servants were sent from Whitehall to work within the Ministry of Home Affairs.白厅两位资深公职人员被调去内政部工作。The decision was made on the recommendation of the Interior Minister.决议是根据内政部部长的提议作出的。He's the big noise in the Home Office.他是内政部大员。Efforts to reform the Interior Ministry have not yet proceeded very far.内政部进行改革的尝试还没有取得很大进展。




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