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例句 Lots of furniture had been knocked over in the commotion.很多家具在骚乱中被掀翻了。Lots of people know her as a very kind woman.很多人认为她是个非常善良的女人。Lots of small businesses have crashed in the last few months.过去几个月大量小公司破产倒闭。Lots of people have commented on my post.许多人给我的帖子加了评论。Lots of people get religion in prison.许多人在监狱中决定信教。Lots of people don't bother to go through a marriage ceremony these days.如今很多人不再费心思举行婚礼。Lots of kids are accident-prone but they soon grow out of it.许多小孩子容易闯祸,但他们很快就会改掉这种毛病。Lots of people stopped and stared at the accident.很多人停下来,盯着事故现场。Lots of men had conniption fits about the Equal Rights Amendment.许多男人对《平等权利修正案》表现得歇斯底里。Lots of small businesses have gone bust because of the recession.很多小企业由于经济衰退而破产。Lots of people get divorced nowadays.如今很多人都离婚了。Lots of people use television as their vicarious form of social life.许多人从电视中间接感受社会生活。Lots of children have imaginary friends.许多孩子都会凭空想象一些朋友。Lots of people were taking a short siesta in the shade.很多人在阴凉处小睡。Lots of fun for the kids! Rides and games galore!孩子的开心天地,各式游戏等着你!Lots of wise old men were killed and lots of wisdom passed away with them.许多有才智的老人遭杀害,大量的智慧财富也随着他们一起消失了。Lots of crusties came into town for the festival.许多脏皮士来到镇上欢庆节日。Lots of evidence supports this assumption.许多证据支持该假设。Lots of people have written up to the radio station, asking for gardening advice.许多人已写信给广播电台,要求给予园艺方面的指导。See you soon. Lots of love, Clare.希望很快能见到你。 深爱你的,克莱尔。Lots of people got the questions wrong.很多人把问题理解错了。Lots of fishes are meshed today.今天捕了很多鱼。Lots of homes in town double as businesses.镇里的很多民宅还兼做商用。Lots of young singers modelled themselves on Beyoncé.很多年轻歌手都以碧昂丝为效仿对象。Lots of microchip manufacturing companies prospered at that time.许多生产芯片的公司都是在那时候发达起来的。Lots of women I know find him attractive.我认识的许多女性都认为他有魅力。Lots of different figures were being bandied about.很多不同的数字被到处传播。Lots of people in Chicago don't see that racial border. They see progress towards integration.在芝加哥很多人看不到那条种族边界。他们看到的是朝向种族融合的进步。Lots of ideas were tossed out during the discussion.讨论过程中大家抛出了很多想法。Lots of pubs like to deck themselves out with flowers in summer.夏日里有许多酒吧喜欢用鲜花来装饰店面。Lots of new ideas were coming in.许多新的观念开始普及。Lots of people lost their jobs when the property market collapsed.房地产市场崩溃后,许多人丢了工作。Lots of people got the answers wrong.很多人都把答案弄错了。Lots of young marrieds are moving into the neighborhood.许多已婚的年轻人正搬进这个街区。




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