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Of course, in the nature of things, and with a lot of drinking going on, people failed to notice.喝了那么多酒,大家当然没能察觉到。The construction company decides to move heavy caterpillars into the worksite, an act which creates a lot of cacophonies for the residents.营造公司决定将大型机具移至工地,造成了对当地居民的许多噪音。A lot of young people in England these days are atheists.现在,英国有许多年轻人都是无神论者。A lot of information has been thrown up from the investigation.这次调查暴露出很多信息。The developers have cleared away a lot of the blurb and let the imagery do the talking.开发商清除了很多夸张的文字宣传,转而用图像说话。There are lots of charming little restaurants along the river.沿河有许多可爱的小餐馆。She always had a lot of common sense.她一直都有很强的直觉判断力。I've got a lot of American friends who don't equate with what you're saying.我有许多美国朋友,他们可并不像你说的那样。These kids require a lot of structure and stability.这些孩子需要大量精心的安排和相当的稳定。He was incredibly nice about it, though I am sure it caused him a lot of trouble.我敢肯定这件事给他制造了很多麻烦,但他还是很好地解决了这件事。That will save us a lot of trouble.那将给我们免去许多麻烦。These poems have received a lot of critical attention.这些诗歌受到评论家的极大关注。Because he is rich, powerful, and has a lot of clout, he is always surrounded by sycophants.因他有权、有钱、又有势,所以身边不乏奉承谄媚的人。There'll be lots of games, so it should be fun.会有许多游戏,应该会很好玩的。There was a lot of tomfoolery in the class when the teacher stepped out.老师一踏出教室,教室里的蠢举就接二连三的。You already have lots of toys to play with.你已经有很多玩具可以玩了。Doubtless there would be lots of rumours.会出现大量谣言是肯定的。She's got lots of good qualities.她有很多优秀的品质。The protesting crowd caused a lot of brouhaha outside the debate site.抗议的群众在辩论场外制造了许多的纷扰。There's a lot of evidence that oily fish, as distinct from fatty meat, has a beneficial effect.有许多证据表明油性鱼,与高脂肪肉不同,对人体有益。He has lots of money. That's why these people are all over him.他很有钱,所以这帮人老是围着他献殷勤。There is quite a lot of dross on TV these days.如今有很多劣质节目充斥着荧屏。An agreement was finally reached after a lot of back-and-forth between the two sides.双方经多个回合的谈判之后最终达成了一项协议。Like a lot of boys his age, he's underachieving.跟许多同龄的男孩子一样,他没有发挥出他的潜能。It takes a lot of doing to be successful in business these days.现今要在商业上获得成功是很困难的。I was doing a lot of studio work and remixing.我在做很多录制及混音的工作。The best way to lose weight is to eat less and do lots of exercise.减肥的最佳办法是少吃、多运动。E-commerce is presenting a lot of new jobs at entry level.电子商务提供了很多新的初级水平的工作机会。The map had a lot of little pins stuck into it.地图上钉了许多大头针。There is a lot of pressure for professors to publish regularly.教授要定期发表文章,压力很大。They are attracting a lot of unwanted attention from the media.他们正引起媒体的广泛关注,这是他们并不想要的。He reads a lot of nonfiction.他读许多纪实作品。He claims that a lot of journalism is meretricious and superficial.他称许多新闻报道虚夸肤浅。We are going to put in a lot of museum time.我们要花很多时间参观博物馆。Women face a lot of legal hurdles trying to prove sexual harassment.女性在试图证明受到性骚扰时会面临法律上重重障碍。There have been a lot of corporate scandals but this one is in a class by itself. 虽然已出现了许多企业丑闻,可这桩丑闻则是有过之而无不及。We've been having a lot of difficulties with our new computer system.我们使用新计算机系统时遇到了重重困难。The team have a lot of work to do between now and Sunday.从现在到星期日之前球队有很多事情要做。The wine has lots of strength of flavour.这种酒味道醇厚。But the problems of inflation and unemployment still cause a lot of resentment.但是通货膨胀和失业问题仍然激起了很多人的怨恨。 |