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词汇 lot on
例句 He is looking for an empty lot on which to build his house.他想买一块空地造房子。He's hard to talk to at the moment – he's got a lot on his mind.这会儿很难和他交谈,他心事很重。The company spent a lot on advertising.这家公司花了大钱做广告。I can't help you now – I've got rather a lot on.我现在帮不了你 — 我很忙。I've got a lot on at the moment.我这会儿事情很多。He has a lot on his mind, what with his health problems and everything.他的烦心事很多,有他的健康问题,还有其他诸如此类的事。They're new to the software game, so they're spending a lot on advertising.软件方面他们刚刚起步,所以在广告上投资很大。We've got a lot on at the moment.我们现在有很多事干。I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention, I have a lot on my mind at the moment.对不起我没注意听,此刻我有许多烦心事。Susan's had a lot on her plate recently, what with the car accident and everything.苏珊最近有许多事要操心,如车祸一事以及其他许多事。We'll have to pay out a lot on repairing the house.我们将为修理这房子花很多钱。The chief editor spends a lot on smokes and liquor each year.主编每年在烟酒两项上花费很大。He has a lot on his plate at the moment.他眼下有很多事情要处理。He's overworking and has got a lot on his mind.他工作劳累而且有很多事要操心。Since the divorce, Linda's had a lot on her mind.离婚以后,琳达心事重重。I am learning a lot on all sides.我正从各方面学到很多东西。She has a lot on her plate right now. 她此刻有很多事要做。I've got a lot on this weekend – I don't think I can see you.我这个周末很忙,我想我没时间去看你。We've spent a lot on the children's education.我们在孩子的教育上花费甚多。They spend a lot on clothes and cars.他们在衣服和汽车上花很多钱。I just forgot. I've had a lot on my mind.我完全忘了,我脑子里的事太多了。I have a lot on my mind at the moment.眼下我有许多事要操心。Paul has a lot on his mind at the moment.保罗此刻心事重重。I spend a lot on expensive jewelry and clothing.我花很多钱购买昂贵的首饰和衣服。I spend a lot on expensive jewellery.我花很多钱买昂贵的珠宝。They must have spent a lot on their new kitchen. It's made of solid oak他们的新厨房一定花了不少钱,都是用实心橡木做的。




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