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例句 It's all set down in the notebook.内容全记在笔记本上了。Legal issues precluded the interview's inclusion on the DVD.因涉及法律问题,该访谈的内容不能录制到数字影碟上。The glossy, colourful cover was totally at odds with its dull academic content.这光泽艳丽的封面与枯燥的学术内容完全不相称。Executive privilege gave him complete discretion to keep executive materials secret, both from Congress and the courts.行政特权使他完全可以自主决定将行政资料的内容对国会和法庭保密。Part of his job is to log all deliveries.他的工作内容之一就是记录所有的交付情况。I was astonished when I read the press release, which bore no relation to what I had told them.我读到新闻稿的时候大为震惊,其内容与我告诉他们的毫不相同。Help your students to separate important ideas in the text from incidental details.帮助学生区分课文中的主要观点和次要内容The contents of the report are expected to show that the government acted wrongly.大家预期报告内容将显示政府采取的行动是错误的。Halfway down the page, there was the item I was looking for.在这一页中间有我在找的内容He read from the scroll.他读取卷轴中的内容The speech was predominantly about tax cuts.这个演讲的内容主要与减税有关。The book would have little claim on our attention if not for the fact that its story is true.如果不是内容真实,这本书是不会引起我们多大的关注的。She kept the contents of the letter a secret.她对这封信的内容秘而不宣。The text has been revised and a new introductory essay has been added for the second edition.第二版的内容经过修订,并加入了一篇新的序文。What is taught under the heading of religious education is a multi-faith mishmash.虽然标题是宗教教育,但讲的是一堆包含多种信仰的杂七杂八的内容It may be beyond the capability of the hardware to process the input.处理这些输入内容可能超出了该硬件的功能范围。By his own account, Huggins was a teacher's pet whose life revolved around his schoolwork.哈金斯自己说他当时是老师的宠儿,生活内容就是围绕着学业转。So far, her performance is full of bravado, but nothing substantial.到目前为止,她的表现显得太多虚张声势,但没有实质的内容The book, so far as I can judge, is remarkably accurate.就我看来,这本书内容相当准确。What she and her characters leave unsaid is often more important than what they actually put into words.她和她作品中的角色避而不谈的内容往往比明言的更为重要。The visit to the ancient capital city was one of the high points of the tour.参观古都是这次旅游中最精彩的内容之一。U.S. government specialists went through each page, blacking out any information a foreign intelligence expert could use.美国政府的专家们审查了每一页内容,涂掉了外国情报专家可能利用的任何信息。I should like to add a postscript to your obituary for John Cage.我想在你为约翰·凯奇写的讣告后补充一点内容There are hints of political undertones throughout the movie.这部电影从头到尾都能找到带有政治寓意的内容You will automatically receive updates by text message.你会自动收到短信发送的更新内容Although most of the book is believable, its ending tests/strains credulity. 这本书大部分内容是可信的,但结尾部分令人难以信服。Check your input and make sure you have selected only one item.检查输入内容,确保你只选择了一项。As form and content are indissolubly fused in a work of literature, rewording is misinterpretation.由于形式和内容在一部文学作品中是融为一体的,改变措辞就意味着曲解。They share equal responsibility for the content of the review.他们对评审内容承担同样多的责任。Click here for more details posted by Ken.要获得更多肯发布的内容,请点击此处。The anti-fur organization financed an ad campaign featuring celebrities.反皮草组织资助了一个以名人为主打内容的广告宣传活动。I regard their press releases with a degree of scepticism.我对他们发布的新闻稿的内容有些怀疑。Some topics appeared interesting enough to require more detailed information.有些话题似乎还算有趣,值得去了解一下更详细的内容When you take out insurance, read the small print.办理保险手续时请阅读小号铅字所写的内容The writer handles the matter briefly and concisely.作者把内容处理得简明扼要。In terms of content, the article is good, but it is written poorly.内容而言,这篇文章不错,但文笔很差。The teacher quizzed us on the material we studied yesterday.老师对我们昨天学习的内容进行了测验。She's the author of some fairly lightweight historical novels.她写了几部内容相当肤浅的历史小说。Experts monitor internet chatter for the government.政府雇用的专家监视人们在网上的交流内容We encouraged them to rehearse what they were going to say.我们鼓励他们默述一下他们要说的内容




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