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词汇 兼得
例句 They seem to think they can have their cake and eat it too by having excellent schools for their son without paying high taxes.他们似乎认为自己可以利益兼得,既让儿子上好学校,还不用缴纳高额税款。You can have either lower taxes or better-funded public programs; you can't have it both ways.你要么支付较低的税款,要么参与较多资金投入的公共项目,但你不能二者兼得He wants to stay with his wife but still see his girlfriend – talk about having your cake and eating it!他想和妻子呆在一起,但又想见女友,竟然想两者兼得He wants a switch to a market economy without reducing the standard of living. This sounds like wanting to have his cake and eat it.他希望在不降低生活水平的前提下转向市场经济。这听起来像是希望鱼和熊掌兼得We would all prefer to combine liberty with order.我们大家都更愿意自由与秩序兼得You can't have your cake and eat it - if you want more local services, you can't expect to pay less tax.你不能二者兼得——想获得更多的地方服务就不能指望少付税金。What he wants is a switch to a market economy in a way which does not reduce people's standard of living. To many this sounds like wanting to have his cake and eat it.他想要转型为市场经济,同时又不降低人们的生活水平。在许多人看来,这是想要鱼与熊掌兼得




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