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词汇 公司倒闭
例句 We have watched hundreds of small firms collapse over the last few years.最近几年,我们看到有数百家小公司倒闭When the company went under, some of our workers found positions with Ford.公司倒闭后,我们的一些职员在福特公司找到了工作。He brought about his company's collapse by his reckless spending.他挥霍无度导致公司倒闭Two months later the company folded up.两个月后这家公司倒闭了。Their dreams went up in smoke after their business collapsed.他们的公司倒闭后,他们的梦想也随之破灭。When a company goes out of business, officials usually move in to take control.如果公司倒闭,政府官员通常会接手操控局面。Over 300 small firms have gone to the wall in the past year.过去一年里有三百多家小公司倒闭People talk about various reasons for the company's failure, but it all comes down to one thing: a lack of leadership.人们对公司倒闭的原因说法各异,但归结起来就是领导力缺失。Big losses due to theft and fraud forced the company to close.因盗窃和诈骗造成的巨额损失迫使该公司倒闭The failure of the company was due to bad management.公司倒闭是因为管理不善。One high-street retailer has gone out of business.有一家大型零售公司倒闭了。Weak management led to failure of the business.管理不力导致公司倒闭When the business failed, we had to fall back on our savings.公司倒闭后,我们只得靠积蓄度日。After her business went bankrupt, she picked up the pieces and started again.公司倒闭后,她重整旗鼓,又重新开始。Higher interest rates will drive small firms out of business.调高利息将会逼得小公司倒闭A series of disasters forced the company to close down.一连串灾难迫使公司倒闭She was blamed for the company's downfall. 她被认为是导致公司倒闭的罪魁祸首。The recession spelled doom for many small businesses.这次经济衰退使许多小公司倒闭Bennet had taken the precaution of transferring his house into his wife's name before his company collapsed.贝内特在他的公司倒闭前,就已经作好了以防万一的准备,把他的房子转到妻子名下。If one firm goes under it could provoke a cascade of bankruptcies.如果一家公司倒闭,便有可能引发一连串的破产。The high price of imports has forced many companies out of business.进口商品的高价格使许多公司倒闭The company folded but quickly reappeared under another name.这家公司倒闭了,但很快又以另外一个名字现身。A high percentage of businesses fail because of the collapse of a major customer or supplier.很大一部分公司倒闭是因为主要客户或供应商垮掉了。She lost her employment when the company closed.公司倒闭后她失业了。Thousands of companies went under during the recession.经济衰退期间,成千上万的公司倒闭了。He flagellated himself for years for allowing the business to fail.因放任公司倒闭,他多年来一直深感自责。More than 7000 businesses have gone under in the last three months.在过去三个月里有七千多家公司倒闭Opinions vary about the reasons for the company's failure.对于这家公司倒闭的原因,人们看法不一。Recent business news has been littered with stories of companies failing.最近的商业新闻都是公司倒闭的消息。Company failures have led to massive job losses.公司倒闭已造成大量工作岗位流失。This is the fifth company she's worked for that's gone bankrupt - she's jinxed.她工作的公司倒闭这已是第五家了—她真倒霉。He put all his money into a dotcom company that later failed.他把所有资金都投在一家网络公司上,后来那家公司倒闭了。




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