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词汇 the poor
例句 She often remembers the old and the poor in her prayers.她在祈祷中经常为老人和穷人祈祷。All through his childhood he'd been the poor relation and he had an aunt who was a millionaire.他在整个童年期间都是个穷亲戚,有个身家百万的姑妈。Students’ main gripe is the poor quality of the dorm food.学生的主要不满是宿舍的饭菜质量差。My heart bleeds for the poor girl, but there's nothing we can do to help her.我为这可怜的女孩感到悲哀,但我们都爱莫能助。His aim in life is to help the poor.他的生活目的是帮助穷人。Our aim was not to punish the rich, but rather to bring justice to the poor.我们的目的不是惩罚富人,而是为穷人伸张正义。Even the poor have their pride.即使是穷人也有自尊。We feel sorry for the poor thing.我们为那可怜的人感到难过。Herring is the poor man's salmon.鲱鱼算是廉价的三文鱼。The problems of the poor are largely invisible.穷人的问题大多不受重视。The government taxed the rich and the poor alike.政府对富人和穷人同样征税。They drew the poor child on with false promises.他们用虚假的诺言诱使那可怜的孩子说话。The company blamed the poor results on bad weather.公司将糟糕的结果归咎于恶劣的天气。She is an untiring advocate for the poor.作为一名律师,她一直孜孜不倦地为穷人辩护。Don't pull the poor boy about!别虐待这可怜的男孩。She showed great discrimination in rejecting the poor quality teas.她在剔除劣质茶方面显示出高超的鉴别力。Our main complaint was the poor standard of service.我们主要投诉的是服务质量差。Illiteracy is widespread among the poor.穷人中文盲很普遍。The rich spend more than the poor on VATable goods.富人花费在需付增值税商品上的钱要比穷人多。The group defends the rights of the poor.这个团体捍卫穷人的权利。The relief agency distributed food among the poor.救援机构在穷人中分发食物。I feel sorry for the poor person who's going to have to sort this mess out.我很同情要收拾这个烂摊子的可怜的家伙。I want to see the poor uplifted.我想看到穷人的社会地位有所提高。The plants had difficulty rooting in the poor soil.这些植物在贫瘠的土壤里难以生根。It's an immoral tax, because the poor will pay relatively more.这是不道德的税收,因为穷人相对要付出更多。And all this praise just because the poor man has died - doesn't it strike you as a bit insincere?所有这些赞扬仅仅是因为这可怜的人已经去世了——你不觉得这有点虚伪吗?The higher tax provoked widespread discontent among the poor.增税激起贫民的普遍不满。Pewter is the poor man's silver.白镴是白银的廉价相似品。The organization is working to improve conditions for the poor by providing them with jobs, health care, and better housing.这个组织正致力于改善穷人的生活境况,给他们提供工作、医疗保健和更好的住房。She has always been very generous toward/to the poor.她对穷人总是非常慷慨。Tax cuts should be targeted on the poor.减税应该针对贫困人群。Why does she want to poodle the poor kid up?她干吗要精心打扮这个可怜的小家伙?This car is advertised as the poor man's Rolls Royce.这种车被广告宣传成穷人的劳斯莱斯。A small disappointment for me was the poor quality of the photographs.照片的质量较差,令我稍感失望。So in effect the government have lowered taxes for the rich and raised them for the poor.所以呢,实际上政府是为富人减了税,而给穷人加了税。It grieved me to see the poor man in such distress.看到这个穷人如此困苦,我很伤心。The merciful magic of ether was not used that day, so the poor souls had to bear their pains as best they might.那天,由于没有使用能够魔术般解除疼痛的乙醚,那些可怜的人得尽量忍受他们的痛苦。At the bottom of the pyramid are the poor.穷人位于金字塔式社会体系中的最底层。The burden of supporting the poor is shouldered mainly by charities.资助穷人的重担主要由慈善机构来承担。We should right the poor and the oppressed.我们应当公正对待穷人和受压迫的人民。




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