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词汇 公司
例句 The company is hiring new salespeople.公司在招聘新的销售人员。Many companies did not manage to ride out the recession.经济衰退时期,许多公司没能渡过难关。Companies dependent on advertising revenue had a miserable year.依赖广告收入的公司那一年境况糟糕。The company uses customer feedback to improve its products.公司利用客户反馈的信息提高产品质量。The two corporations have been growing rapidly. It has been catch-up ball all the way.两家公司发展迅速,一直在你追我赶。The company abused its power, forcing workers to work overtime without pay.公司滥用职权,强迫雇员无偿加班。The company will defray all your expenses, including car rental.公司将承担你的全部费用,包括租车费。The company will provide transportation.公司会提供交通工具。He became a big wheel in the East India Company.他成了东印度公司的要人。The company must find creative ways to woo new employees.公司必须找到招揽新员工的创新方式。For many people, owning their own business is a lifelong goal.对于许多人来说,拥有自己的公司是毕生的追求。As marketing manager, her job is to oversee all the company's advertising.作为营销经理,她的工作是负责公司所有的广告业务。The company hopes to be one of the survivors of this recession.公司希望成为这次经济衰退的幸存者之一。Drug companies tend to bury news of drug failures.药品公司一般会隐瞒药物无疗效的信息。The lawyer admitted that he was the firm's second lawyer. The first one had struck out completely.这名律师承认自己是公司的第二任律师。第一任已经干砸了。The company adopted aggressive marketing strategies to sell its products.这家公司采用了积极的营销策略销售其产品。The company openly traded in arms.这家公司公然进行武器交易。The company reaped rich dividends with its new strategy.公司推出新战略后获得了丰厚的收益。Rumours flew thick and fast that the company was going to be sold.谣言四起,纷纷传说公司要出售。Enlightened companies include its human resources in their estimation of the firm's worth.有见识的公司将人力资源包括在公司价值评估中。They decided to take the company public. 他们决定将公司上市。This law will help small businesses to compete on equal terms with large multinational corporations.这项法规有助于小公司与跨国大公司展开平等的竞争。In the last few years, the company has succeeded in conquering the European market.近几年里这家公司成功地征服了欧洲市场。She was transferred to a different division within the company.她被调到公司的另一个部门。The company will settle the lawsuit and provide compensation for claimants.这家公司将了结这桩诉讼,赔偿索赔人的损失。The firm has less money and fewer staff than last year.公司的资金和人员都比去年少了。The company has its top guns handling the lawsuit.公司有顶尖好手来处理诉讼。If a firm does a job well, we use them again.如果一家公司把工作干得好,我们以后还会请他们干。The company does not hire employees on the basis of their race, sex, age, or religion.种族、性别、年龄或者宗教信仰不是公司招收员工的依据。He was held in contempt in that company.他在那家公司里受到轻视。He asked the company to put him on their mailing list so that he could receive their catalog.他让那家公司把他列入邮寄名单,这样他就能收到他们的商品目录了。The company moved to new purpose-built premises in Mumbai.公司迁至在孟买专门建的新办公地点了。The company's success is due in no small measure to her talents. 公司的成功在很大程度上归功于她的才干。The company's new CEO started at the bottom and worked her way up.公司新任首席执行官是从基层做起、一步步被提拔上来的。Our company's base is in Taipei, but we have branches all over the island.我们公司的总部在台北,但是全岛都有分公司I don't want to work for some third-rate company.我不想为不入流的公司工作。Philip and I pooled our savings to start up my business.我和菲利普把积蓄凑到一起开办了我的公司The company is plunging deeper into debt.这家公司的债台正越筑越高。The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company's fortunes.新经理希望能够扭转公司江河日下的状况。Most of the creative side of the business is farmed out to small production companies.工作的创意部分大部分包给了小型制作公司




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