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词汇 入侵
例句 The Taking is a relentless rollercoaster ride; a story of terror, heartbreak and triumph.入侵》千回百转,跌宕起伏;是一部关于恐惧、绝望和胜利的小说。The invading army ransacked the city.入侵的军队把城市洗劫一空。A high-level military official warned people not to pay attention to rumours about invasion.一名高级军官告诫人们不要去理会有关入侵的谣传。The city was in a ruinous state after barbarian invasions.野蛮人入侵之后,这个城市一片废墟。In the movie aliens invade Earth.该影片中,外星人入侵了地球。The Celts defended their lands against the Romans.凯尔特人抗击罗马人入侵,捍卫家园。The movie is about humanoid aliens invading Earth.这部影片讲述的是外星人入侵地球的故事。Forces were massing on the border for an imminent invasion.军队正在边境地区大量集结,准备应对步步逼近的入侵Sicily was invaded by the Normans, and later by the Saracens.西西利岛先后遭诺曼人和撒拉森人入侵India has been invaded several times in its history.历史上印度曾几次遭到入侵British troops spearheaded the invasion.英军充当入侵的先锋。We cannot accept the unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation.我们无法容忍对一个主权国家的无端入侵The troops invaded at dawn.敌军在黎明时入侵Enemy forces were almost certainly preparing to invade.敌军准备入侵差不多是肯定的了。Military planners and diplomats worry that the North's increasing distress over food supplies could provoke it to invade the South.军方策划人员和外交官担心北方日益严峻的粮食供应困难会使其入侵南方。The general's decision to invade was a costly mistake.将军作出的入侵决定是个代价惨重的错误。An invasion would certainly precipitate a political crisis.入侵肯定会加剧政治危机。The Romans and the Normans came to Britain as invading armies.罗马人以及诺曼人通过军事入侵来到英国。He had known in advance of the invasion plans.他事先就知道入侵的计划。Concentrations of troops near the border look set to invade within the next few days.部队在边境附近集结,看来几天内必定会入侵News of the invasion spread panic among the citizens.入侵的消息在市民中引起了一片恐慌。The village was plundered by the invading army.村庄被入侵的军队洗劫一空。They vowed to fight the invaders of their homeland.他们发誓要与入侵他们家园的侵略者做斗争。Their city fell victim to an invading army.他们的城市被入侵的军队占领了。The invading forces put our army on the defensive.入侵军迫使我们的部队进行防御。The movie is about an invasion by aliens. 这部电影讲述的是外星人入侵的故事。The troops marched in and took the city by force.军队入侵并强行占领了这座城市。The allies threatened economic reprisals against the invading country.盟国以经济报复威胁入侵国。Mimicking the President's familiar accent, DJ Rogers told his listeners that aliens had invaded.唱片骑师罗杰斯模仿总统那很熟悉的口音,告诉听众外星人入侵了。He has warned some of his more gung ho generals about the consequences of an invasion.他已警告手下那些好战的将军们入侵带来的后果。Antibodies are large proteins produced by plasma cells used by the immune system to identify and neutralize bacteria and viruses that invade the body.抗体是由身体浆细胞产生的一种蛋白,可以辨识并且中和入侵的细菌或毒素。Fears of an invasion were heightened by long-range bomb attacks.由于远程炸弹的袭击,人们对于入侵的恐惧更为强烈。General Salan was supplanted soon after the invasion by General Henri Navarre.亨利·纳瓦拉将军入侵后,很快就排挤掉了萨朗将军。The invading army overran a few scattered guerrilla outposts.入侵军占领了游击队若干分散的前哨基地。Bacteria invaded and caused an infection.细菌入侵,引起了感染。The invasion on land was supported by bombers in the air.陆上入侵得到了空中轰炸机的支持。The invasion of the small country was a disregard for a weaker people.入侵那个小国是对弱小民族的不尊重。His armies invaded their lands in retribution.他的军队入侵他们的国土作为惩罚。The country has responded to threats of invasion by strengthening its defenses.这个国家以加强国防力量来回应入侵的威胁。The air-strike was just a prelude to the invasion.空袭只是大举入侵的序幕。




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