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词汇 入了迷
例句 We were so caught up in the movie we forgot what time it was.我们看电影看得入了迷,连时间都忘记了。We were spellbound listening to his exploits at sea.我们听他谈海上的英勇业绩都入了迷Her relation of the fairy tale fascinated the youngsters.她讲的神话故事使孩子们听得入了迷I was hooked after two episodes.看过两集之后我就入了迷He was hipped on the subject.他对这门课程入了迷Megan was hanging on his every word, fascinated.梅甘在聚精会神地听他的每一句话,听得入了迷His relation of his adventure fascinated us.他讲述的关于自己的冒险经历使我们听入了迷She is addicted to television.她对电视入了迷He spends all his time fiddling about with cars - he's completely obsessed.他把所有时间都用来摆弄汽车—他完全入了迷He had held his audience rapt.他令听众们都听入了迷She had become addicted to golf.她已经对高尔夫球入了迷She completely forgot her shyness in her fascination with what he was saying.他的话使她入了迷,完全忘记了羞怯。She watched in fascination as the cat pounced on the mouse.猫猛扑向老鼠,她看得入了迷Both the kids are into computer games at the moment, and nothing else!这两个小孩目前都对电脑游戏入了迷,此外对什么都没兴趣!




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