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例句 His achievement is astonishing and this book is the jewel in his crown.他的成就令人震惊,而这部书则是他的杰作。I can recommend this book to anyone interested in food.我愿意把这本书推荐给任何对饮食感兴趣的人。You ought to be able to read this book.你应该可以读懂这本书。They are not interested in this book.他们对这本书不感兴趣。I came upon this book in the attic - would you like it?我偶然在阁楼里找到了这本书——你想要吗?Such subjects are not within the scope of this book.这些问题不在本书论及的范围之内。People interested in history would enjoy a dip into this book.对历史感兴趣的人会喜欢翻阅一下这本书。We're working against time to finish this book.我们正抓紧时间完成这本书。What is abundantly obvious from this book is that the author is a remarkable human being.从这本书中可以很明显地发现作者是一位非常了不起的人。Many of the terms used in this book are imprecise.这本书中用的很多术语很不确切。There is a very moral tone to this book.这本书很有道德教育的意味。A lot of valuable advice/information can be found in this book.从这本书中可以找到很多有用的建议/信息。Thinking people on both sides will applaud this book.双方有头脑的人都会称赞这本书。If you have followed through all the exercises in this book, you should be ready for the second year course.如果你完成了本书的全部练习,就可以学第二年的课程。Reviewers have been almost unanimous in their disparagement of this book.评论家们几乎一致贬低这本书。The professor asked Peter to write a resume about this book.教授要求彼得写这本书的梗概。If you're interested in the early history of aviation, this book is a must.如果你对早期的航空史感兴趣的话,这是一本必读的书。Some may despise this book as a popularization.有人或许会因为这是本通俗读物而瞧不起它。We hope this book will act as a bridge between doctor and patient.我们希望这本书会成为医生与病人之间沟通的桥梁。It is often difficult to distinguish clearly between fact and fiction in this book.读这本书经常很难分辨其中的真实和虚构内容。If you like alternative comedy you'll love this book.如果你喜欢另类喜剧的话,你就会喜欢这本书。As I have said earlier in this book, bad shoes are a menace.正如我在本书前面说过的那样,劣质的鞋子会很麻烦。I don't usually go a bundle on science fiction, but this book is really good.我通常对科幻小说不是很感兴趣,但这本书真的很好。I stumbled across/on/upon this book by chance.我偶然发现了这本书。I'm willing to read this book, but as to publishing it, that's a different matter.我愿意读一读这本书,至于出版这本书,那是另一回事了。I hope this book is not yet another restatement of the prevailing wisdom.我希望这本书不会又是重复一些流行的至理名言。The individuals who have contributed to this book are far too numerous to mention.为本书作过贡献的人不胜枚举。The war barely rates a mention in this book.这场战争在该书中几乎不配一提。The nature of this book is to provoke reasoned debate.本书旨在引发理性的讨论。You should read this book from cover to cover.你应该把这本书从头到尾看一遍。A lot of information has been crammed into this book.这本书包含有丰富的信息。You may have difficulty with this book at first, but you'll find it easier as you go along.你刚开始读这本书时可能会有困难,但读下去就会变得容易了。I will be most upset if this book does not bring home the bacon.我就不信这本书不畅销。There is no hint as to which of the approaches essayed in this book will prove most useful.关于书中的可尝试的方法中哪一种最有效这一点,没有任何暗示。I've read this book so often it's falling apart.我经常读这本书,它都快散架了。The library will lend you this book on request.只要你提出要求,图书馆就借给你这本书。It's not worth your while reading this book.这本书不值得你一读。The key concept in this book, I think it is fair to say, is freedom.这本书的核心概念,我认为要公平地讲,就是自由。I have been laboring through this book for months.几个月来我一直在吃力地读这本书。Can I hold on to this book for another week?这本书我可以再看一个星期吗?




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