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词汇 光火
例句 He knew that what he was saying did not reach her. And the knowledge of it maddened him.他知道她没有听他的话,这让他大为光火He described it as dynamite and said the unions would be angry.他称其为爆炸性消息,还说各工会一定会大为光火Her indignation at such rough treatment was understandable.遭受如此粗暴的待遇,她大为光火是可以理解的。He turned nasty when he heard the price.他听到这种价钱大为光火Dad would go spare if he found out.爸爸要是知道的话会大为光火的。The report was leaked to the press, much to the president's fury.报告被人透露给了媒体,令总统大为光火Shopping in the January sales can be maddening.在元月促销期间购物可能会让人大为光火After two accidents in the same week outside the school, the Parents’ Association is on the warpath.一个星期里就在校外出了两起事故,家长协会大为光火He got angry at me when I ventured to suggest that things could have been worse.当我小心翼翼地提到情况可能会更糟糕时,他对我大为光火Bertha was exasperated at the delay.伯莎对该次延误大为光火It infuriates us to have to deal with this particular mayor.不得不跟这位市长打交道让我们大为光火The President was reportedly furious at the comment.报道称总统对这一评论大为光火Madonna has outraged Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie by criticising their charity work.近日,麦当娜因批评布拉德·特和安吉丽娜茱莉的慈善工作而让这对夫妇大为光火Mum's going to murder me for getting home so late.妈妈会因为我这么晚回家而大为光火的。I called my dad and told him what has happened. He sounded really angry.我打电话给我爸爸告诉他发生的一切,他似乎大为光火Bill's jumping up and down because Mark didn't get his report finished in time.比尔很是光火,因为马克没有及时完成报告。His unusual business tactics outraged the stiffs of the UK establishment.他的另类经营策略使英国机构里的那些古板的人大为光火He shouted in unmistakable anger.他大声吼叫,显然是光火了。This kind of thing really burns me up.这类事真叫我光火Their incompetence made me furious.他们的无能令我大为光火When Myra told Karp she'd expose his past, he blew up.当迈拉告诉卡普她会把他的过去全抖搂出去时,卡普大为光火The chairman reacted angrily to the report and said it would make it much harder to reach a deal.董事长对那份报告大为光火,说它会使协议更难达成。The way he treats her really burns me up.他那样对待她实在让我很光火My flat-mate is driving me up the wall.我的室友此时正让我大为光火It infuriated me to hear about it.听到这件事我可大为光火了。




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