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词汇 充满激情
例句 Her prose is full of vitality.她的散文充满激情It was debated with some heat and not a little passion.辩论进行得有些激烈,也充满激情The book sizzles with excitement.这本书充满激情He found it difficult to disentangle himself from their increasingly violent relationship.他发现自己陷在他们充满激情的恋爱关系中难以自拔。She kissed him passionately.充满激情地吻了他。The passionate tone of the article made me question the author's objectivity.这篇文章充满激情的语调使我对作者的客观性产生了怀疑。She sang the song with passion and soul.充满激情地唱这首歌。She smiled with her eyes full as she examined the presents.她观看礼物时微笑着,眼睛里充满激情Speaking off the cuff and with emotion, Pope John Paul II described his disappointment with the recent course of Western history.教皇约翰·保罗二世在即席而充满激情的讲话中说他对近代的西方历史进程感到失望。She had talked spiritedly about her adventures.充满激情地谈起了自己的冒险经历。The pianist performed with subtlety and passion.这位钢琴家的演奏技法细腻并且充满激情Intensity is the first essential in performance.充满激情是演出的第一要素。The crowd were carried away by his passionate speech.他那充满激情的演讲让人们兴奋不已。In an emotionally charged speech, he said he was resigning.在一场充满激情的演讲中,他宣布即将辞职。She played with skill and verve.她技艺娴熟,充满激情Doris writes with verve and wit.多丽丝的写作充满激情和智慧。Rocco does not have the same fire in his belly as his father.罗科不像他父亲那样充满激情Her impassioned acting stole the scene. 充满激情的表演抢了整场戏。The boy is full of fire and courage.这男孩充满激情和勇气。Others echo these sentiments in gutsier language.其他人以更充满激情的语言附和这些感情。They had a passionate and often stormy relationship.他们两人的关系充满激情,但又冲突不断。I was enthusiastic and full of new ideas.我过去充满激情,而且脑子里全是新想法。They had a passionate but short-lived affair.他们之间有过一段充满激情但是短暂的关系。His impassioned pleas went unheard.充满激情的请求无人理会。They admired his gutsy and emotional speech.他们很欣赏他信心十足、充满激情的演讲。She had been a passionate and youngly matured girl.她曾是个充满激情的早熟姑娘。All her life she was an ardent feminist.她一生都是一个充满激情的女权运动者。He is a man of great wit, sensitivity, and passion.他是一个十分风趣、敏感而又充满激情的人。No writer expresses the black experience with such passion as Toni Morisson.没有哪位作家像托尼·莫里森那样以充满激情的笔调来描述黑人的体验。The song has plenty of pizzazz.那首歌充满激情He stood on the stage, emoting and gesturing wildly.他站在舞台上,手舞足蹈、充满激情地表演着。The fiery speech agitated the crowd.充满激情的演说使人群狂热不已。Prince continued his enthusiastic gyrations on stage.王子继续在舞台上充满激情地旋转。He's a director who is passionate about music and spectacle.他是一位对音乐和盛大演出充满激情的指挥家。As they got to know each other better, their love grew deeper and more passionate.随着他们相互之间的更加了解,他们之间的爱也越来越深,越来越充满激情We were both very tender and passionate towards one another.我们对彼此都非常温柔并充满激情They embarked on a passionate affair.他们开始了一段充满激情的婚外恋。She was a fiery, brilliant and unyielding intellectual and politician.她是个充满激情、才华卓越、毫不妥协的知识分子和政治家。




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