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例句 The movie was a revelation to me. I didn't know he was such a good actor.这部电影出乎我的意料。我不知道他竟是一名如此优秀的演员。Fazio's announcement came as a surprise to most political observers.法齐奥的声明出乎大多数政治观察家的意料。He was uncharacteristically quiet.出乎寻常地安静。She didn't know what had hit her.完全出乎她的意料。The book's success has surpassed everyone's expectations.这本书获得了出乎所有人意料的成功。The demonstration proved something of a revelation for our teachers.这次示威从某种程度上说出乎我们老师的意料。This ruling was a surprise to everyone.这个规定出乎每个人的意料。Considering the hard storm, I was surprised that he came at all.如此风猛雨急的天气,他竟然还来,很出乎我的意料。I was surprised by the speediness of their arrival.他们的迅速到来出乎我的意料之外。His arrest had come as a complete surprise.他的被捕完全出乎人们的意料。Her comments came out of left field.她的评论完全出乎人们的意料。Ellen's suggestion took us completely by surprise.埃伦的建议完全出乎我们的意料之外。Against all expectations, the theatre reopened to encouragingly large audiences.出乎所有人的预料,剧院重新开放时观众数量喜人。The finding ran counter to all expectations.这一发现出乎所有人的意料。Dekker had risen to the occasion with an insight that surprised us all.德克尔以其出乎所有人意料的洞察力化解了此次危机。To my surprise, I won.出乎我意料,我赢了。Michael won the competition, contrary to everyone's expectations.出乎大家的意料,迈克尔赢得了比赛。Her decision caught many people by surprise.她的决定出乎很多人的意料。Contrary to general expectation, he announced that they had given their approval.出乎一般人的料想,他宣布他们已经批准了。I was expecting the oral exam to be easy, but I was in for a rude awakening.我以为口试会很简单,但是太出乎我意料了。I was expecting a New Age kook, but she confounded expectation.我料想她会是一个新时代的疯子,但她却出乎我的预期。Life has a way of surprising us now and then.生活有时会出乎我们的意料。The author deliberately breaks the narrative continuity in order to confound the reader's expectations.作者故意打破叙述的连贯性,以制造出乎读者意料的效果。Her talent came as a revelation. 她的才干完全出乎人们的预料。The storm took us completely by surprise.这场暴风雨来得突然,完全出乎我们的意料。The sheer number of spectators has caught everyone unprepared.观众人数之多出乎所有人的意料。The finding ran counter to all expectations.该发现出乎所有人的预料。The President's resignation took everyone by surprise.总统辞职出乎每个人的意料。His induction into the Hall of Fame was not expected.他进入名人堂出乎人们的意料。Judging from her expression, I think the gift was a complete surprise.从她的表情来看,我觉得那份礼物完全出乎她的意料。It came as a surprise to me.这事出乎我的意料。My brother's sudden visit home was a complete surprise.我哥哥突然回家探望,完全出乎我们的意料。The plan succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.计划居然出乎我意料地成功了。The incident came as quite a surprise to them.这一事件完全出乎他们的意料。




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