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词汇 儿童
例句 She teaches deaf children to lip-read.她教耳聋儿童运用唇读法。He jumped into the water to aid the drowning child.他跳入水中救助那个溺水儿童Children under four can travel free.四岁以下的儿童乘客免票。The curriculum is rigidly prescribed from an early age.儿童时起即已开始有严格的课程设置。There was a loud scream from the direction of the children's pool.儿童游泳池那边传来一声很响的尖叫。I'd like to adopt a multiracial child. In fact, I'd love a whole bunch.我想领养一个混血儿童。事实上,我想领养一群。The movie contains something for both children and adults.这部电影既适合儿童又适合成人观看。Art provides a channel for the children's creativity.艺术是儿童发挥创造力的一种方式。Kids have wonderful imaginations, and it is natural for them to create imaginary friends.儿童有着丰富的想象力,他们自然就会想象出一些朋友来。ITP can be more serious in adults than children.特发性血小板减少性紫癜在成人中比在儿童中可以更严重。Many children acquire a phobic horror of dogs.很多儿童都怕狗。We are doing studies to see if we can give children enough vaccine in two doses.我们正在研究是否可分两次给儿童注射足够剂量的疫苗。Everyone complains that the national tests bear no relation to what children have learnt in class.人人都抱怨说全国考试的内容与儿童在课堂上所学的毫不相干。Greater effort is needed to instruct children in road safety.在指导儿童交通安全方面需要更大的努力。The charity works with children in less developed countries.这家慈善机构从事帮助欠发达国家儿童的工作。They took me into custody, questioned me, then lodged me in a children's home.他们把我关起来,问完我话后又将我安置在儿童院。Someone needs to speak up for children in our society.在我们这个社会中需要有人站出来为儿童说话。Children in rags begged money from the tourists.衣衫褴褛的儿童向游客讨钱。As a clown he visits local hospitals to cheer up sick children.身为小丑的他走访当地各家医院,为患病的儿童打气。Children should have glasses which filter out UV rays.儿童应该戴上滤除紫外线的眼镜。Easy bruising or bleeding can be a sign of paediatric thrombocytopenia.容易擦伤和流血可能是儿童血小板减少症的症状。The children were used as slave labour in gold mines in the jungle.在丛林地带,儿童被用作开采金矿的苦役。Childhood cancers have a very good survival rate.患肿瘤的儿童存活率很高。Stricter punishments will be given to those convicted of peddling drugs to children.对于向儿童出售毒品的罪犯,将会加重量刑。There are lots of bureaucratic hurdles to deal with when adopting a child.要收养儿童,必须克服许多官僚体制上的难关。Blind and sighted children are taught in the same classroom.失明和视力正常的儿童在同一个教室里上课。The abandoned children were put into an asylum.被遗弃的儿童送进了孤儿院。Thousands of children run away from home each year.每年有成千上万名儿童离家出走。We help adopted children who want to get in touch with their natural parents.我们为想与生身父母联系的被收养儿童提供帮助。Children usually have a lively fancy.儿童往往有丰富的想象力。He'd been publicly labelled a child molester.他已被公开贴上儿童性骚扰者的标签。Christmas is a joyful occasion for children.圣诞节对儿童来说是开心的时候。They were accused of encouraging children to rat on their parents.他们被指控唆使儿童告发自己的父母。The disease tends to occur in children under the age of five.这种病多发生在五岁以下的儿童中。It will give great pleasure to the many thousands of children who visit the hospital each year.这将为每年成千上万来医院求诊的儿童带来很大快乐。Under the existing conditions many children are going hungry.在目前情况下,会有很多儿童忍饥挨饿。The book is geared toward children. 这本书适合儿童阅读。The children were grouped by age.儿童按年龄分组。The play was produced for children and encourages audience participation.该剧是制作给儿童看的,而且鼓励观众参与。Dogs are not allowed in the children's play area.不许将狗带入儿童游乐区。




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