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词汇 傻瓜
例句 I had put him down as a complete fool.我把他看成一个十足的傻瓜You shouldn't have told him, you dope!你本不应该告诉他的,你这个傻瓜Well, silly, why not stay!喂,傻瓜,为什么不留下呢! You've made me spill my drink, you prat!傻瓜,你弄得我把酒都洒了!Of course we know how to do it. Do you take us for idiots? 我们当然知道怎么做,你把我们当傻瓜吗?The silly asses spilt it all.那些傻瓜全说了。I shall go further and say that Tom is a fool.我还要更进一步说汤姆是个傻瓜Do you take me for a fool?你是不是把我当傻瓜I felt a proper fool after making that mistake.犯了那个错后,我觉得自己是个十足的傻瓜I'd write him down as a fool.我把他描述成一个傻瓜Stephanie knows what she's doing. She's no fool.斯蒂芬妮知道自己在干什么,她不是傻瓜She's not the helpless boob she seems to be.她并不是外表看上去那样的无助的傻瓜Calm down! You sound like a gibbering idiot!冷静!你现在像一个语无伦次的傻瓜He had taken me for a complete fool.他把我当成十足的傻瓜了。He left early and muggins here was left to finish the job.他很早就走了,剩下我这个傻瓜来完成这项工作。Only a complete twit would insult his hosts.只有十足的傻瓜才会侮辱主人。Anyone who tells you any different is either a fool or a liar.不是跟你这样说的人,不是傻瓜就是骗子。Who's the clown standing in the middle of the road?站在马路中间的那个傻瓜是谁?He's asked me to work over the weekend again - he must think I'm some kind of mug.他又要我周末加班工作一他一定以为我是傻瓜They had been playing the guy for a sucker all along.他们一直把那家伙当傻瓜耍。Don't be such a silly goose!不要做这样的傻瓜Only a dummy would ignore the safety warnings.只有傻瓜才会对安全警告视而不见。What a dolt I've been!我真是个傻瓜What a bleeding idiot!真是个该死的傻瓜Any fool can see that she's taking advantage of him.傻瓜也能看出她在利用他。You may think you're being funny, but everyone else thinks you're being a real horse's ass.你可能自以为很风趣,可是所有人都认为你是个傻瓜I felt like a fool when I realized what I'd done.当我明白自己干了什么时,感觉自己就像个傻瓜You're making yourself look like a fool.你让自己看上去像个傻瓜I'm not wearing that - I'd look a complete prick.我才不戴那个东西呢——戴着它看上去像个傻瓜似的。Stop acting the fool and be serious!别再像傻瓜一样,严肃点儿!I'd sooner she married no one than marry a fool like him.我宁愿她不嫁人,也不愿让她嫁给他那样的傻瓜I don't want to be displaced in your heart by that young fool.我不愿那个幼稚的傻瓜取代我在你心中的地位。The man was a fool, he thought, or at least incompetent.他想道,那人是个傻瓜,或者说,至少很无能。I used to be a very heavy gambler, but not any more. It's a mug's game.我曾经是个赌棍,但现在再也不赌了,那是傻瓜的游戏。Only a mug would pay that much for a meal.只有傻瓜才会吃一顿饭付那么多钱呢。He acts like a real dildo after he's had a few drinks.他喝了几杯酒,就表现得像个傻瓜似的。She must think I'm a fool.她肯定认为我是傻瓜Listen, silly, we've got to leave now.听着,傻瓜,我们现在得走了。Some people say he's a good man, but I call him a fool. 有些人说他是好人,可我认为他是个傻瓜You get a lot of idiots on the road at this time of night.晚上这个时候你会在路上见到许多傻瓜




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