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词汇 礼仪
例句 He chagrined his decorum-conscious legal team by a display of histrionics.他装模作样的样子令他非常注重礼仪的律师团十分窘迫。The dancers wore ceremonial headdresses.舞者们戴着礼仪头饰。He is an expert on matters of etiquette.他是礼仪事务的专家。She was always finding fault with his manners.她总是挑他礼仪方面的问题。Respect the local etiquette. Modest clothing is often preferable to revealing shorts and tight-fitting tops.尊重当地礼仪。端庄的衣着通常比暴露的短裤和紧身上衣要好。He doesn't have an ounce of decency.他一点儿礼仪都不懂。The swords are now used only ceremonially. 现在这些剑仅用作礼仪佩剑。He has become something of a stickler for the finer observances of royal protocol.他已经变得非常刻板,哪怕是最细微的皇室礼仪也会遵循。He refused to shake hands, in deliberate breach of etiquette.他故意违反礼仪,拒绝握手。Both countries are behaving with rare delicacy.两国表现出难得的周全礼仪Protocol can only be stretched so far.礼仪不能再放宽了。By the end of term, girls will have learnt the niceties of dinner party conversation.到学期结束,女生们将完成对晚宴谈话礼仪细节的学习。His right hand rested on his ceremonial sword.他的右手放在礼仪佩剑上。This must seem a bizarre ceremony to uninitiated western eyes.这种礼仪在不识此道的西方人看来一定很怪诞。This is a book on etiquette.这是本有关礼仪的书。Plebs like me could never have such perfect manners.像我这样的下层平民永远不会拥有如此完美的礼仪He forgot his manners and reached across the table for the salt.他忘了礼仪,伸手到桌子另一边去拿盐。It's not the time for politeness and etiquette when there are lives at stake.人命攸关时可不是讲礼貌守礼仪的时候。The monarch's role is purely ceremonial.君主纯粹是个礼仪职位。They celebrated Easter with lavish ceremony.他们用很铺张的礼仪庆祝复活节。Touching the Queen was a breach of royal protocol.触碰女王是违反皇家礼仪的。In these days courtesy goes by the board.如今礼仪被丢在脑后。Those kids could stand a few lessons in good manners.那些孩子应该上一些礼仪课。Those children have such dreadful manners.那些孩子的礼仪太差。Peru is a very traditional country, and embedded in its psyche is a love of ceremony.秘鲁是一个非常传统的国家,这个国家的精神中蕴含着一种对于礼仪的热爱。Clarissa was extremely voluble on the subject of good manners.克莱丽莎谈起礼仪这个话题便口若悬河。Let's dispense with ceremony.我们不要拘泥于礼仪Ford was a respecter of proprieties and liked to see things done properly.福特非常重视礼仪,喜欢把事情办得妥帖得体。Their children have very good table manners.他们的孩子进餐礼仪很好。After the guests left, the boy got a sermon on table manners from his father.客人们走后,孩子受到父亲关于进餐礼仪的一顿教训。The queen was crowned with due ceremony.女王按照规定的礼仪加冕。He did not know the proper etiquette for greeting people of such high rank.他不知道欢迎这样高级别的人物采用什么样的礼仪才合适。She watched his face, as the coffin was lowered into the ground. As soon as it was decent, he plunged through the crowd towards the cars.棺材慢慢放入墓穴时她一直注视着他的脸。礼仪许可的时间一到,他便挤过人群走向那些车子。Etiquette is especially important on occasions such as weddings and funerals.在婚礼、葬礼等场合中,礼仪尤其重要。The president welcomed her visitors with the usual courtesies.总统以惯常的礼仪规格欢迎来访者。




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