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词汇 示威
例句 The demonstration passed off peacefully.示威活动自始至终都是以和平方式进行。The students staged a protest/demonstration.学生举行了抗议/示威There was a strong police presence at the demonstration.示威现场有大批警力。The government have not been able to turn today's demonstration to their advantage.政府未能把今天的示威变成对自己有利的事。Police dogs were set on the protesters.警犬开始扑向示威人群。The demonstration ended peacefully.这次示威以和平的方式结束。The strikers held picket signs painted with angry slogans.罢工者举着示威的牌子,上面写有愤怒的口号。Demonstrators forced their way past.示威人群硬挤了过去。There have been a number of clashes between police in riot gear and demonstrators.防暴警察和示威人群已发生多起冲突。Placards carried in the silent demonstration included one accusing the prime minister of appeasement.静默的示威队伍中有人举着一块标语牌,上面的内容是指责首相采取绥靖政策。He led a demonstration through the City.他带领示威的队伍穿过伦敦城。A nucleus of activist students led the demonstrations.一个学生积极分子的核心团体领导了这些示威活动。The government decided against using force to break-up the demonstrations.政府决定不使用暴力驱散示威人群。Recent events have set the scene for a potentially violent confrontation between the demonstrators and the army.近来发生的事情导致示威人群和军队之间存在着引发暴力冲突的危险。The police dared not take the high-powered protesters to court, for fear that the demonstrations would grow still larger.警方不敢起诉强烈抗议者,因为担心会造成示威活动进一步扩大。Demonstrators hurled abuse at councillors as they entered the council building in Glasgow.格拉斯哥的示威群众在议员进入议会大楼时朝他们谩骂。The police have been accused of using strongarm tactics when breaking up strikes and public demonstrations.警察已被指责在制止罢工和民众示威时采用了高压手段。The demonstration was a protest against the rise in tuition and fees.此次示威是抗议学杂费上涨。The result has provoked angry demonstrations.这个结果引起愤怒的示威They believe the whole demonstration will be a damp squib.他们认为整个示威活动将毫无结果。Police used tear gas to break up a demonstration.警察使用催泪瓦斯驱散示威人群。The National Salvation Front has already replied to this series of opposition moves with its own demonstrations.民族救亡阵线已经组织了示威,以此回击反对派的一系列活动。The demonstration proved something of a revelation for our teachers.这次示威从某种程度上说出乎我们老师的意料。Troops fired on demonstrators near the Royal Palace causing many casualties.军队在皇宫附近向示威人群开枪,造成大量伤亡。The demonstrators called on the governor to make solving the crime a priority.示威群众要求州长将侦破这宗罪案列为头等大事。The demonstration was marred by violence.示威活动被暴力事件扰乱了。The protest in May was the climax of a series of demonstrations in the nation's capital.五月份的抗议行动是国家首都的一系列示威活动的高潮。Police used water cannons to break up the demonstration.警察用高压水炮驱散示威人群。The demonstration represents a direct challenge to the new law.这次示威是对新法律的直接质疑。Riot police fired tear gas canisters to disperse demonstrators.防暴警察发射催泪霰弹驱散示威人群。The demonstrators marched through the streets, leafletting and shouting slogans.示威群众走过大街,一面散传单,一面喊口号。Riot police beat back the crowds of demonstrators.防暴警察把示威人群逐退了。Rubber bullets were used to break up the demonstration.为驱散示威人群,动用了橡皮子弹。The mounted policemen rode down many unarmed demonstrators.骑警队策马撞倒许多手无寸铁的示威群众。They marched under the banner of equal educational opportunity.他们打着公平教育的旗号举行游行示威They demonstrated just outside the perimeter of the embassy.他们就在大使馆的外面示威Workers staged strikes and demos.工人举行罢工和示威The police arrived in force to break up the crowd of demonstrators.警察大队人马赶来驱散示威人群。The police broke up the demonstration.警察驱散了示威人群。The demonstrations continued until well into the evening.示威活动一直持续到很晚。




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