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词汇 示意
例句 He signalled for the bill.示意结账。She drank up her brandy and signalled to the waiter to bring another.她喝光了白兰地,然后示意服务员再给她拿一杯。He indicated to the barman that he wanted a refill.示意酒吧男招待,要再来一杯。Our car was stopped at a police checkpoint before we were permitted to cross the border.我们的汽车在边检站被示意停下,获准后才过境。She beckoned to the waitress to bring more wine.示意服务员再拿些酒来。The coach signalled the batter to take the next pitch.教练示意击球员放过下一个球不打。The teacher gave us the signal to finish what we were working on and hand in our tests.老师示意我们结束做题,上交试卷。I saw her motioning me into the room.我看到她招手示意我进房间。Seeing Bert in the doorway, I motioned for him to come in.看到伯特在门口,我就示意他进来。The singer pointed to his throat, gesturing fatigue.歌唱家指着喉头,示意自己非常疲劳。She motioned me to climb a nearby oak to spy out our surroundings.示意我爬到附近的一棵橡树上察看周围情况。She was beckoning them in to shore.她正在示意他们靠岸。Sam motioned them away.萨姆示意他们离开。Signing is provided for the hearing-impaired.手势示意是为听力受损者准备的。She put out her arm for them to stop.她伸出胳膊,示意他们停下来。They motioned me to come forward. = They motioned me forward.他们示意我上前。Then the rain came and the red flag went up to signal a halt.然后下雨了,红旗升起示意暂停。He put his finger over his lips to indicate silence.他把手指放在嘴唇上示意噤声。The police officer motioned for me to pull over.警察示意我靠边停车。He was flagged for being offside.他被挥旗示意越位。He quirked one eyebrow at Billy.他朝比利抬一抬一边眉毛示意The conductor waited for the applause to die down before signalling for the orchestra to begin.指挥等待掌声平息下去才示意乐队开始演奏。If you're going to turn you're supposed to signal.如果要转弯,应该打转向灯示意He raised his glass and indicated that I should do the same.他举起了杯子并且示意我也应该这样做。He beckoned the waiter to ask for another bottle of wine.示意服务员再来一瓶酒。He motioned the young officer to sit down.示意让那位年轻军官坐下。He signaled us that it was time to begin the meeting.示意我们是时候开始会议了。The policeman signed me to stop.警察示意我停下。She signalled to the children to come inside.示意孩子们进来。Slowly he inched around the corner, signalling for the others to follow.他慢慢地移步转过拐角,示意其他人跟上。He motioned me in another direction.示意我去另一个方向。He motioned to her to go behind the screen.示意她走到屏幕后面。The boys lifted up their legs, indicating they wanted to climb in.男孩们抬起腿,示意想要爬进来。Only twice have umpires thumbed him out of a game.裁判们只有两次伸拇指示意他退出比赛。He gave a broad hint that he was on the verge of leaving.他明确地示意他即将离开。She beckoned him to follow her.示意让他跟着。They flagged down a passing family who stopped to help them.他们向路过的一家人示意,那家人便停下来帮助他们。He intimated that he wanted to say something.示意要说几句话。He pointed to a chair, signalling for her to sit.他朝一把椅子指了指,示意她坐下。Midge clapped her hands, calling them back to order.米奇拍手示意他们安静下来。




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