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词汇 偶尔
例句 Every so often, Frank looked up at me and smiled.埃夫里偶尔抬起头朝我笑笑。We meet for lunch once in a while.我们偶尔见面吃顿午餐。I see him occasionally in town.偶尔在城里见到他。We really enjoy having a few friends over for dinner every once in a while.我们很喜欢偶尔请一些朋友过来吃饭。Linda and I stay in touch by sending occasional postcards.我与琳达偶尔寄张明信片来保持联系。You don't have to paint UPVC windows, and they need only an occasional wash down with detergent.硬聚氯乙烯的窗户不需要上漆,只需偶尔用清洁剂洗洗就可以。She took occasional dips in the pool.偶尔在泳池里游一会儿泳。She glanced at him occasionally from beneath lowered lids.偶尔从低垂的眼皮底下瞥他一眼。He still comes around the gym occasionally, just to keep his hand in.偶尔还来健身房,免得生疏了。She had occasional bouts of chest pain.偶尔会感到胸痛。I chat to him at work now and then but I've never seen him socially.偶尔在工作时和他闲聊一会儿,但我从未在社交场合见过他。Mrs. Chamorro was famous for her occasional absent-mindedness.夏莫罗太太以偶尔的心不在焉而闻名。We meet up for lunch now and then, but not as often as we used to.我们偶尔聚在一起吃个午饭,但不如过去那么频繁了。I like a lowbrow action movie once in a while.偶尔我喜欢看些通俗的动作片。She had a habit of taking an occasional nip from a flask of cognac.她习惯于偶尔从法国白兰地酒瓶中倒点酒喝。Despite the odd hold-up, we finished on time.尽管偶尔有些困难,我们还是准时完成了。Every summer periods of cool weather occasionally interrupt the intense heat.每年夏天,偶尔会有凉爽的天气来消退酷暑的高温。He had occasionally dallied with the idea of starting his own business, but he had never actually done anything about it.偶尔也曾幻想过自己去开个公司,但却从未真正付诸行动。From time to time, James remained at home with his family.詹姆斯偶尔留在家里陪家人。An occasional polish will keep wall tiles looking good.偶尔擦拭一下能使墙砖保持美观。Don't blame them too much if they cut loose with some language.如果他们偶尔漏出几句脏话,请不要过分责怪他们。The old man wandered along, swigging occasionally from a whiskey bottle.那老汉在闲逛着,偶尔从瓶子里喝一大口威士忌。Every so often I treat myself to a meal in an expensive restaurant.偶尔我也到高档餐厅犒劳自己一下。A few random shots were fired, but the battle was over.偶尔有几声枪响,但战斗已经结束。Occasionally scree fell in a shower of dust and noise.偶尔会有岩屑带着烟尘哗啦啦地落下。I knew that Alan liked the odd drink.我知道艾伦喜欢偶尔喝点酒。Despite the occasional lapse, this was a fine performance by the young saxophonist.尽管偶尔出现失误,这位年轻萨克斯手的表演还是堪称精彩。On the rare occasions when he was angry, Lowry could be spiteful and petty.劳里偶尔生气时会充满恶意、心胸狭窄。She went on occasional drinking binges.偶尔会狂饮一番。The occasional nude bather comes here.偶尔会裸泳的那个人到这里来了。She still phones me every so often.偶尔还给我打打电话。It's nice to be on the winning side for a change.总是输,偶尔赢一次感觉真好。He listened thoughtfully, interjecting only the odd word.他仔细地听着,只是偶尔插句话。It's so quiet here that the occasional distant siren is the only intrusion.这里非常安静,偶尔远处会传来汽笛声。His latest book is a long, serious novel relieved only by the occasional joke.他的最新作品是一部严肃的长篇小说,当中只是偶尔有个笑话作为调剂。Occasionally something went wrong with the projector and the movie was canceled.放映机偶尔会出问题,这样就得取消播放电影了。He has the occasional cigarette but that's his only real vice.偶尔吸烟,不过那是他唯一的恶习。For a moment her husband came to mind, but she pushed the guilt aside.偶尔她会想起丈夫,但她很快会把愧疚抛到一边。There were also the occasional police visits to contend with.还要应付警察的偶尔到访。He has occasionally to conciliate and arbitrate between the conflicting forces that compose his political backers.偶尔必须在作为政治后盾的冲突力量之间进行媾和与仲裁。




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