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词汇 偏见
例句 Rocks of prejudice must be removed.必须排除偏见的险阻。He's deeply prejudiced against women.他对女性有根深蒂固的偏见Bitterness gave her outlook a peculiar warp.怨愤使她的观点带有一种古怪的偏见Such prejudices die hard.这些偏见难以根除。The author's antipathies and prejudices are obvious.作者的憎恶和偏见很明显。In the countryside as a young doctor she encountered ancient superstitious beliefs and prejudices.作为一名年轻医生,她在乡下见识了古老的迷信思想和偏见There's a social stigma attached to receiving welfare.对于领取社会救济金存在一种社会偏见There have been endless efforts to chip away at social prejudice.人们一直在为逐渐消除社会偏见而不懈努力。The right-wing press tried to stir up prejudice against immigrants.右翼媒体试图挑起针对移民的偏见He had exploited the most ignoble prejudices.他利用了那些最为人所不齿的偏见Familiarity dissipated the prejudice born of ignorance.熟悉起来以后,因不明情况而产生的偏见烟消云散了。Gay people face a constant struggle against bigotry.同性恋者必须与偏见作长期斗争。The sad fact is that prejudice still exists.令人不能接受的是,偏见仍然存在。A mist of prejudice spoiled his judgment.偏见的迷雾损害了他的判断能力。I believe that a journalist should be completely objective.我认为新闻记者不应该有丝毫偏见It is fatally easy to pass off our prejudices as our opinions.偏见充作定见而提出是容易的,但后果不堪设想。He accused the Security Council of despotism and bias.他指责安理会独断专行并存在偏见The speech implanted a dangerous prejudice in their minds.那场演讲向他们的头脑里灌输了一种危险的偏见The news program claimed to be objective but was very slanted. 这档新闻节目自称客观,但实则充满偏见In recent history, the existence of prejudice has led to violence and genocide.近代历史上,由于偏见的存在导致了暴力事件和种族灭绝。There is a common prejudice in this country that Italians display their passions more readily than the English.这一国家的人普遍持有一种偏见,说意大利人比英格兰人更爱表达激情。Such sweeping generalizations reveal the writer's prejudices.从这些一概而论的推断足见作者的偏见It's time to put aside our old prejudices.该是搁置我们陈腐偏见的时候了。I think your South American youth has prejudiced you.我认为你在南美度过的青少年时代让你产生了偏见He came to hate the town, with its narrow prejudices.小镇的种种狭隘偏见令他渐生厌恶之情。Prejudice dies hard.偏见难以消除。I'm trying not to let my judgment be coloured by that one incident.我努力不让自己的判断因为那一事件而带上偏见Histories are often warped by bias.历史常为偏见所曲解。A group of girls set off a chain reaction of hysteria and prejudice when they accuse certain people of witchcraft.一群女孩子指责某些人摆弄巫术,从而引发了一连串过激反应和偏见Some critics say that the movie reinforces negative stereotypes about the military.一些评论家指出这部影片加深了人们对军人的偏见There is no personal animus in his testimony.他的证言不带个人恶意的偏见We have to begin by purging our minds of prejudice.我们必须首先消除头脑中的偏见She rose above the prejudice of her time to become a great civil rights leader.她克服了她那个时代的偏见,成为一名伟大的人权领袖。The depth of covert racism in my own profession frightens me.我所从事的职业中暗藏着如此深的种族主义偏见,这让我感到害怕。Reporters tend to circle the wagons whenever the media are attacked for bias.一旦有媒体因为偏见受到围攻,记者们就会集结起来,严阵以待。I try to rise above such prejudices.我尽量不去理会这样的偏见Don't let your prejudice take over.不要为偏见所左右。I had led a sheltered life and had never met prejudice before.我一直过着备受呵护的生活,以前从未遭遇过什么偏见The newspaper has a clear bias towards / toward the party.这家报纸对该党抱有明显的偏见He was able to rise above the prejudices of his generation.他能够超越同时代的世俗偏见




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