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词汇 答应
例句 You promised you wouldn't tell.答应过不会泄密的。Her parents promised her a new car if she passed her exams.她父母答应如果她通过考试就送她一辆新车。I promised to push him on the swings for as long as he wanted.答应他想在秋千上荡多久我就推多久。She promised to come and help but has since begged off.答应来帮忙的,但后来请求原谅不能来。She engaged herself to attend the meeting.答应一定去参加会议。I promised to remit the balance by the weekend.答应周末前将余款汇去。The manager promised to look into my complaint.经理答应对我的投诉进行调查。The government is minded to grant their request.政府有意答应他们的请求。Michael Jackson has promised the network an exclusive.迈克尔·杰克逊已答应这家新闻网络作独家报道。They attempted to appease international opposition by promising to hold talks.他们答应举行会谈试图平息国际上的反对声音。He rarely consents to do interviews.他很少会答应接受采访。The organisation's informants were promised anonymity in order to encourage candour.为了鼓励直言不讳,这个组织答应向它提供情报的人,将他们的姓名保密。I left early, but promised to return the next day.我一早就离开了,但答应第二天回来。Take a little time to think before committing yourself.答应之前先用点时间想一想。The president yielded to the plea.总统答应了请求。I was going to suggest Fiji for our holiday, but I don't think father will wear it.我准备建议去斐济度假,但我想父亲不会答应The government has promised to investigate reports of police corruption.政府已答应调查关于警察部门贪污腐化的传闻。He knew his own mind and was having none of their attempts to keep him at home.他心意已决,坚决不答应他们想要将自己留在家中。He fought shy of actually committing himself to undertake the work.他没有答应承担这项工作。She promised faithfully that she would come.她信誓旦旦地答应会来。The authorities offered to stop firing missiles if the rebels agreed to stop attacking civilian targets.当局表示,如果叛乱分子答应停止攻击平民目标,就不再发射导弹。I said yes. I can't very well say no.答应了。我没法拒绝。He had promised to spread himself in the preparation of this meal.他已答应尽力准备好这顿饭。They were forced to accede to all of the hijackers' demands.他们被迫答应了劫机者的所有要求。When I offered a sum for the substitute teaching, he leaped at it.当我提出代课报酬金额后,他马上就答应了。It was his first major scoop and he promised not to reveal the source of his information.这是他抢先报道的第一宗大新闻,他答应不透露消息的来源。No wonder the nurses feel let down - they were promised a big pay increase, but nothing has happened.难怪护士会感到失望。先是答应给她们大幅度提高工资,但后来就只字不提了。All those invited to next week's peace conference have accepted.受邀参加下周和平会议的人都答应参加。OK, I'll tell you, but only if you promise not to tell anyone else.好吧,我告诉你。但你要先答应我不告诉任何人。I've promised that book to Ian, I'm afraid.我已经答应把那本书给伊恩了,对不起。The children promised to be on their best behavior.孩子们答应会表现得很乖。He readily agreed to do what they wanted him to do.他很乐意地答应了他们的要求。I promised Jamie a ride to school this morning.答应今天早上让杰米搭车去学校。The one bright spot is that they have promised to re-examine the case.唯一值得高兴的是他们答应重新审查这个案子。Do you promise to put the money to good use?答应要好好利用这笔钱吗?He promised to make it worth our while.答应要酬谢我们。They used to guarantee housing for all workers, but that's no longer true.他们过去答应给所有员工提供住房,但现在不再如此了。The man who had commissioned the killing, provided the weapon and promised payment.谋杀的主使者提供武器并答应付给报酬。Dad's a pushover. He'll let me do anything I want.爸爸耳根子软。我想做什么,他都会答应I promised to replace the plate that I'd dropped.答应赔偿我打碎的盘子。




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