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词汇 答案
例句 They waited mutely for an answer.他们默默地等待答案I had to think hard before coming up with the right answer.我要用心想才能想出正确的答案After running through the numbers in every possible combination, we finally hit on a solution.将这些数字进行各种可能的排列组合后,我们终于找到了答案Europe is still groping for answers to the economic-policy questions posed by these issues.欧洲仍在探寻因这些议题引发的经济政策问题的答案He had an answer ready to hand.他有现成的答案My guess was the furthest from the correct answer.我的猜测与正确的答案相差极远。You can't expect people to give you all the answers on a plate.你不要指望人家会把全部答案向你和盘托出。You may choose either answer.你可以选择二者中的任一答案I didn't realize we had to write each answer on a new sheet of paper.我没有意识到我们得把每一道题的答案单独写在另一张纸上。It's not difficult to work out the answer - you just have to use your common sense.找出答案并不难,只需用用你的常识。He picked up a piece of chalk and wrote the answer on the blackboard.他拿起一支粉笔,在黑板上写下了答案The teacher rattled off the answers.老师迅速说出了答案It was a tough question, but Ginny had her answer ready.这是个很难的问题,但金妮已经有答案了。I've puzzled over this question for a while, and I'm still not sure what the right answer is.这个问题我绞尽脑汁地想了好长时间,还是不能确定正确的答案是什么。Her foolish words darkened the solution of the question.她的胡言乱语把问题的答案搞得模糊了。Most of your answers were bang on.你的大部分答案完全正确。I do not necessarily expect an easy answer to this question.对于这个问题我并不指望一定要有一个简单的答案He was disturbed by the inaccuracy of the answers.很多答案都不准确,为此他感到很烦恼。Look carefully at these questions and mark your answers down in the right-hand column.仔细审题,然后在右栏中写下答案All their questions were met with vague, evasive answers.他们所有的问题得到的答案都是含含糊糊、躲躲闪闪的。There is no simple or definitive answer as to why he has become so reserved.他为什么变得如此沉默寡言,没有什么简单或确定的答案Please refer to the last page of the book for answers.寻找答案,请查阅书的最后一页。Francis smiled agreement, irritated by the obviousness of his answer.弗朗西斯微笑着表示同意,但又为自己的答案这么明显而感到懊恼。If you don't number your answers, how will I know which questions they refer to?如果你不给答案标上号码,我怎么知道你答的是哪一题?Lots of people got the answers wrong.很多人都把答案弄错了。The answers to the quiz are printed below.测验题的答案印在下面。The deficiency of his answers was obvious.答案中的漏洞显而易见。For the first time ever, I was stuck for an answer.这是我有史以来第一次怎么也找不出问题的答案Don't just call the answers out - raise your hand.不要大声喊出答案,先举手。Don't strain yourself trying to think of the answer. I can tell you what it is.别绞尽脑汁想答案了,我可以告诉你。Write your answers on a postcard.答案写在明信片上。You should cross-check your answers with a calculator.你应该用计算器检查一下你的答案She searched for an answer to his question.对于他的问题,她找到了一个答案He had one question and he couldn't rest until it was answered.他有一个问题,不得到答案心就不能平静。After running through the numbers in every possible combination, we finally hit upon a solution.在尝试了所有可能的数字组合后,我们终于找到了答案She avoided answering our questions directly, instead reiterating that the answers could be found in her book.她不直接回答我们的提问,而是再次强调答案能在她的书中找到。The teacher handed her a piece of chalk and asked her to write the answer on the chalkboard.老师递给她一支粉笔,让她把答案写在黑板上。That's not the answer. Guess again.答案不正确。再猜一次。I didn't hear the answer, because I wasn't listening when she read it out.我没听见答案,因为她念的时候我没在听。Has anyone been able to figure out the answer to number seven?有没有人能算出第七题的答案




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