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词汇 偏爱
例句 Companies tend to favour the lawyer who has trained with a good quality City firm.各公司往往偏爱那些在伦敦金融城的大律师事务所受过培训的律师。Mrs Singh preferred saris in pastel colours, such as salmon pink.辛格太太偏爱淡色的莎丽,比如浅橙色。This is an excellent deal for investors who are interested in smaller companies.对于偏爱较小公司的投资者来说,这是一宗绝好的生意。That's my preference.那是我的偏爱之物。The judges were accused of showing a prejudice in favour of younger entrants.裁判们被指责偏爱一些年轻的参赛者。There are definite regional preferences amongst our clients.我们的顾客当中有明显的地区性偏爱I don't understand his partiality to modern art. 我不理解他对现代艺术的偏爱He preferred to travel in disguise.偏爱乔装打扮出行。She showed a scientific bias at an early age.她在少年时就显示出对科学的偏爱Roger favours a spirit of avant-garde boldness.罗杰偏爱前卫创新精神。She always felt that her parents favoured her brother.她总觉得父母偏爱弟弟。Learners show a preference for one learning style over others.学习者显示出他们对一种学习风格较其他风格的偏爱My father was rather partial to asparagus.我父亲十分偏爱芦笋。Teachers often unintentionally favor certain students.老师往往会不知不觉地偏爱某些学生。Vocal teachers in England are more favourably disposed to early music than their counterparts anywhere else in Europe.与欧洲其他国家的同行相比,英国的声乐教师对早期音乐作品偏爱有加。The pianist has a bias in favour of Chopin.这位钢琴家偏爱萧邦。A mother shouldn't show too much favor to one of her children.做母亲的不应过分偏爱某一个孩子。The students naturally showed favor toward their own school's team.学生自然都偏爱他们自己的校队。He's very partial to ice cream.他对冰激凌很是偏爱Stephen himself had a weakness for cats.史蒂芬本人偏爱猫。I'd prefer an old place with a bit of character.偏爱有特色的老地方。She is partial to her youngest boy.偏爱她的小儿子。Janet has always been a bit of an outdoor person.珍尼特一直都是个比较偏爱户外活动的人。Some people prefer a vegetarian diet, while others prefer a meat-based diet.有的人偏爱素食,而另一些人偏爱肉食。My own education prejudices me in favour of private schools.我自己所受的教育使我偏爱私立学校。A mother shouldn't show too much favour to one of her children.做母亲的不应对某一个孩子过于偏爱Parents sometimes favour the youngest child in the family.父母有时会偏爱家里最小的孩子。Walking was his preferred mode of travel.徒步是他偏爱的旅行方式。Their preferred habitat is disappearing rapidly.它们偏爱的栖息地正在迅速消失。Another possibility is that parents favour chicks that are strong.另一种可能性是亲鸟会偏爱强壮的雏鸟。He has demonstrated a strong preference for being shod in running shoes.他给人的感觉是特别偏爱穿跑步鞋。She has a partiality for tall men with dark hair.偏爱高个子、头发乌黑的男人。I've always preferred reading prose to poetry.我一直更偏爱读散文而不是诗歌。He had a partiality for fast cars.偏爱开得快的汽车。People still painted after photography became popular. Similarly , there will still be people who prefer to shoot on film even after digital cameras become the norm.过去,摄影流行以后人们仍然画画。同样地,现在数码照相机变得寻常以后还是有人会偏爱胶片摄影。Three out of four cats preferred this brand.四分之三的猫都偏爱这一品牌。Personal preference naturally varies.个人的偏爱喜好自然各不相同。Carlo has an absolute fixation with the royal family.卡洛对皇室有一种固执的偏爱The new leader has a preference for people who come from the same area of the country as he does.新领导偏爱与他来自同一地区的人。His designs show a preference for using natural materials.他的设计显示他偏爱使用天然材料。




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