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词汇 偏差
例句 A few unusual cases may have skewed the data. 一些不同寻常的情况也许会使数据出现偏差The ability to analyse stress and deflection was essential.分析压力和偏差的能力是必不可少的。The tennis racket is designed to be forgiving. 这种网球拍设计得容许击球略有偏差That could bias study results.那样会使研究结果产生偏差Given data which are free from bias there are further snares to avoid in statistical work.即使数据本身不存在偏差在统计工作中仍需要避免其他陷阱。Our estimates were only out by a few dollars.我们的估算只有几美元的偏差The arithmetic of nuclear running costs has been skewed by the fall in the cost of other fuels.核运营成本的计算由于其他燃料的降价而出现了偏差Nearly half the missiles landed wide.有近一半的导弹落点出现偏差The report has been rejected by the authorities, who said much of it was based on supposition or inaccuracy.当局驳回了该报告,称其许多内容有的纯属臆测,有的存在偏差错误。The circumstances could bias the results of the survey.这些情况可能会使调查结果产生偏差The data was checked for potential biases.为避免潜在的偏差对数据进行了检查。Sales predictions are open to wide margins of error.销售预测常常会有很大的偏差A researcher's mistake has skewed the results of the study.一名研究者的失误使研究结果出现了偏差The bomb missed its target by several kilometres.炸弹没有击中目标,偏差了几公里。He has a very distorted view of life in general.他对生活的看法有很大偏差Violet light deviates the most because its wavelength is the shortest.紫色光因为波长最短偏差最大。All the opinion polls turned out to be hopelessly wide of the mark.所有的民意测验都偏差得太厉害了。There have been slight deviations in the satellite's orbit.卫星轨道有些许偏差




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