例句 |
He knitted his brows in concentration.他眉头紧锁,全神贯注。I saw her brows puckering and then smoothing out again.我看着她双眉紧蹙,然后又舒展开来。He had thick brown hair and shaggy brows.他一头浓密的棕色头发,眉毛乱糟糟的。He glared at me under beetling brows.他凸出的浓眉下一双眼睛瞪着我。She raised her brows in surprise.她吃惊地扬起了眉毛。A frown formed between her arched brows.她双眉之间皱了起来。He raised his brows in surprise.他吃惊地扬起眉毛。His brows drew together in a frown.他眉头紧锁。They're a lot of low-brows pretending to be intellectual high-hats.他们是一伙缺乏文化修养的人,却装做高人一等的文人雅士。Her brows drew together in a scowl.她紧锁眉头。Give your brows extra definition with an eyebrow pencil.用眉笔更加清晰地勾勒出眉形。Her brows puckered in annoyance.她皱起眉头,显得很恼怒。They knitted their brows and started to grumble.他们皱着眉头开始抱怨起来。His brows drew together in a worried frown when he heard the remark.听到这话,他眉头紧锁。A deep furrow appeared between his brows.他眉间出现了一道深深的皱纹。He knitted his brows in deep thought.他紧锁双眉陷入沉思。He drew his brows together in an effort of concentration.他皱起眉头,尽力集中思想。He corrugated his brows in thought.他皱着眉头沉思。 |