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词汇 推销员
例句 The salesmen usually follow up a letter with a visit.推销员往往在写了信之后又上门拜访。Morris is a skilful salesman, practiced in the art of persuasion.莫里斯是个高明的推销员,很有说服技巧。A huckster offered to sell Carnegie the formula for guaranteed success for $20,000.一名骗子推销员提出以两万美元的价格卖给卡内基一张保证成功的秘方。All salespeople seem to have the same phoney smile.所有推销员的微笑似乎都一样,假惺惺的。Rick looked at the pretty salesgirl and smiled. Sandy could tell that he wanted to make an impression.里克看着那个漂亮的推销员小姐笑了笑。桑迪知道他是想留给别人一个好印象。For three years, he was the company's number one salesman.三年里他一直是公司内的头号推销员Without wishing to sound conceited, I am the best salesperson in the company.不是我自夸,我是公司最好的推销员The salesman inundated them with information.这个推销员讲了一大堆产品信息,让他们难以招架。For a salesman, a cheap suit and a Ford Escort are the traditional tools of the trade.推销员这一行,一套便宜的西装和一辆福特护卫者汽车一向是必不可少的。The salesman tried to interest me in a more expensive computer.推销员竭力劝我购买价格更高的电脑。The salesman had me pegged in a matter of minutes.没几分钟,那位推销员就摸清了我属于哪一类顾客。We get so many calls from salespeople.我们会接到推销员打来的很多电话。He had been mistaken for a double glazing canvasser.他被错当成双层玻璃窗推销员了。They are naturally good salesmen with the gift of the gab.他们天生就是能说会道的优秀推销员Salesmen of unofficial souvenirs have also been doing a roaring trade.出售非官方纪念品的推销员的生意也很红火。Four salesmen were showing people suits and sweaters.四个推销员在给人们展示套装和毛衣。The salesperson demonstrated a new washing machine.推销员示范操作新的洗衣机。His father was a travelling salesman and was very rarely at home.他父亲是巡回推销员,很少在家。She had a fling with a car salesman.她和一位汽车推销员有过一段风流韵事。I had never thought of buying an insurance policy, and I wasn't going to be forced into it by some young salesman.我从未想过要买保险,也不想让自己被某个年轻的推销员勉强去买。Salesmen sold a gullible public the wrong pensions policies.推销员把有问题的养老保险卖给轻信的老百姓。We could tell that the salesman's claims about his product were a crock.我们能够判断出推销员对产品的介绍是在吹嘘。A salesman is constantly on the move.推销员经常到处奔波。 These salesmen are a canny lot.这些推销员是一帮精明的家伙。I was tricked by the salesman's wiles into buying worthless goods.我上了推销员的当,买了毫无价值的东西。Salespeople are often accused of using artificial flattery.推销员经常被指责为胡乱奉承。He was the type of person that gives insurance salesmen a bad name.他是那种玷污保险公司推销员名誉的人。The salesman stood at the door, pitching his products.推销员站在门口,极力推销他的产品。She thought him a house-to-house canvasser.她猜想他是一个挨家挨户兜售的推销员A salesman came around this morning and I made the mistake of inviting him in.今天上午来了一个推销员,我犯了个错误,把他请了进来。Customers are tired of the stereotypical, fast-talking salesperson.顾客们对千篇一律的摇唇鼓舌的推销员已经厌烦透了。The slick salesman fast-talked me into making a purchase.那个老练的推销员油嘴滑舌地哄我买了他的货。I soon sent the salesman away, as I wasn't interested in what he was selling.我一会儿就把推销员打发走了,因为我对他卖的货不感兴趣。The narrator and central figure is a salesman called Mike.镜头中正在做解说的的焦点人物是一个名叫迈克的推销员You sound just like an insurance salesman.你听起来就像个保险推销员Somehow he was irritated by the smoothness of the salesman.不知为什么这个推销员的圆滑使他恼怒。Salesmen used to call at the houses of newcomers to a district— soliciting for custom.过去推销员常到区里新搬来的住家拜访,以招揽顾客。The salesperson fast-talked him into buying the car for more than it was worth.那个汽车推销员忽悠他花高价买下那辆车。The salesman stormed them with offers.推销员缠着他们推销货物。The salesman said he would bend over backward to make the deal.推销员说他会尽力做成这笔交易。




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