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词汇 brothers
例句 My brothers bombarded me with snowballs as soon as I stepped out of the house.我一走出房子,我的兄弟们就不停向我扔雪球。A fight over their parents' estate drove a wedge between the brothers.争夺父母财产造成了他们兄弟不和。The two brothers had frequent flare-ups.弟兄俩时常吵架。My brothers and sisters were always on my case.我的兄弟姐妹老是不停地责怪我。The brothers are very like.这几个兄弟很相像。The brothers have the same broad forehead and wide-set dark eyes.兄弟俩都长着宽额头和分得较开的深色眼睛。He bullied his younger brothers.他欺负过他的几个弟弟。He's the eldest of her three brothers.他是她的三个弟兄中最年长的那个。He has two brothers and two sisters.他有两个兄弟,两个姐妹。I had a terrible quarrel with my other brothers.我跟其他几个兄弟大吵了一架。He told reporters he'd come to be with his Latvian brothers.他告诉记者他是来支持拉脱维亚同胞的。You mean the Warton brothers?你是说沃顿兄弟? She's more intelligent than her brothers.她比她的兄弟更聪明。I have one older brother and two younger brothers.我有一个哥哥、两个弟弟。Brian persuaded his brothers to follow his example and join the navy.布赖恩说服他的兄弟像他一样去参加海军。The two brothers established/set up/started up a clothes retailing business.兄弟俩开了家服装零售商店。Arthur is the most articulate of the brothers.亚瑟是兄弟中最会说话的。This, coupled with the fact that flying machines remained universally a subject for jeers and derision, made the brothers secretive.这一点,加上飞行器仍是人们普遍嘲笑和讥讽的对象,使得兄弟俩只能暗地里行事。My elder sisters and brothers have moved away from home and are now independent.我的哥哥姊姊已从家里搬了出去,现在都自立了。The two brothers were political enemies.兄弟俩在政治上是仇敌。The brothers glared hatred at each other.兄弟俩用仇恨的目光对视。Neither of my brothers can carry a tune, but my sister is a good singer.我的兄弟们唱歌都不成调,但我妹妹唱歌唱得很好。The dramatic thrust of the movie centres around the conflict between the brothers.影片的剧情重点集中在兄弟之间的冲突。He has an ailing father and two younger brothers to support.他要养活生病的父亲和两个弟弟。His brothers were greedy and quarrelsome.他的弟兄们贪婪且喜欢争吵。The brothers aren't that way minded.兄弟几个不是那么想的。The Fawcett brothers were too wily to be caught, and the local residents could get no help from the law.福西特兄弟非常狡猾无法抓捕,当地居民得不到警察的帮助。Her academic achievements shamed her brothers.她的学术成就使她的兄弟们相形见绌。Her brothers went out a lot, but Lisa never got to go.她的兄弟经常出去,但是莉萨却从来不能出去。The brothers chip in a certain amount of money each month to hire a home health aide.兄弟几人每月凑一些钱雇家庭护理。He remained/stayed neutral while his brothers argued.当兄弟们争辩时,他保持中立。After their long argument the two brothers have at last buried the hatchet.长期争吵之后,兄弟俩终于和解了。She had to act as a buffer between the two brothers, who wouldn't stop arguing.她不得不在争吵不休的两兄弟之间扮演调解人的角色。The brothers usually roll into their studio around midday.兄弟俩通常在正午前后来到他们的工作室。In contrast with his brothers, Tom is rather short.与几位兄弟相比,汤姆的个子相当矮。David works hard, as do my brothers.戴维工作很努力,我的弟兄也一样。In most big families, clothes are handed down to younger brothers and sisters.在多数大家庭中,衣服都要传给弟弟妹妹穿。When he looked at the two brothers, the dissimilarity was marked.当他看着这两兄弟时,差别是显而易见的。Her brothers are both redheads.她的两个哥哥都是红头发。They are both my brothers-in-law.他们两个都是我的妻舅。




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