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词汇 侵袭
例句 The peasants tried hard to protect their crops of rice from the inroads of sparrows.农民们竭力设法保护水稻免受麻雀的侵袭The visits of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredations.应该预料到这些抢劫者的侵袭,并制定防范他们抢劫的措施。Some measures are needed to secure the farmland against shifting sand.需要采取措施使农田免遭流沙的侵袭Computer users from around the world reported that the virus had invaded their systems.世界各地的电脑用户纷纷报告说该病毒已侵袭了他们的系统。Myriads of mosquitoes from the swamp invaded our village every twilight.每天黄昏无数蚊虫从沼泽地飞来侵袭我们的村子。Dikes protected the lowland from incursions of the sea.堤坝保护低地不受海水侵袭He continues to insulate his country from the contagion of foreign ideas.他继续使本国远离外来思想的侵袭The disease can affect your muscles.这种病可能会侵袭你的肌肉。The syndrome is more likely to strike those whose immune systems are already weakened.这种综合征更容易侵袭免疫系统低下的人。In the shed he could take no harm from cold.在那小屋里他不会受到寒冷的侵袭The noises and smells of the market assaulted her senses.市场里的噪音和气味侵袭她的感官神经。The coastline was exposed to the direct force of the hurricane.那片海岸遭到飓风的直接侵袭Experts believe that the coming drought will be extensive.专家们认为即将发生的旱灾将侵袭大片地区。The Vikings used to harry the English coast.北欧海盗过去常常侵袭英国沿海地区。They are prey to nameless fears.莫名的恐惧侵袭着他们。These viruses affect children and are highly infectious.这些病毒会侵袭儿童,而且具有很强的传染性。The disease affects many different organs of the body.这种疾病会侵袭身体的许多器官。We drove down to the windswept Atlantic coast of Portugal.我们驱车前往葡萄牙常受大风侵袭的大西洋海岸。There was a stiff southerly breeze.有较强南风侵袭Storms have been hitting almost all of Britain recently.最近几乎整个英国都受到了暴风雨的侵袭His life was finally extinguished by the onset of pneumonia.他生命之火终于因肺炎的侵袭而被掐灭了。Plants need protection against extreme cold.植物需要保护,以免受严寒侵袭The east coast of Florida bore the brunt of the storm.佛罗里达东海岸受到了风暴的正面侵袭The area was hit by a flash storm.这一地区受到突如其来的暴风雨的侵袭We need to protect our company against the inroads of competitors.我们要保护公司以免遭到竞争对手的侵袭This county felt the full fury of the storm.这个县遭到暴风雨最猛烈的侵袭The flowers were planted in a sheltered location.花卉种植在不受风雨侵袭的地方。Distinguishing which cancers are aggressive and which are indolent is currently not possible.目前无法区别哪些癌症是侵袭性的,哪些是无痛的。Invasive ductal carcinoma is an aggressive cancer of the breast ducts.侵袭性乳腺管癌是乳腺管发生的一种恶性癌变。They sandbagged their homes to keep out floods.他们在房屋周围堆沙袋以抵御洪水的侵袭The disease leaves the body defenseless against infection.这种病使人体无法抵御传染病侵袭The centre of New Delhi was overrun by an armed mob which attacked government buildings.新德里市中心被一群袭击政府大楼的武装暴徒侵袭了。Insects have attacked the crops.昆虫侵袭了这片庄稼。The large headland offers shelter from spring and summer northerlies.这个大海岬提供了抵御春夏时节北风侵袭的屏障。His immune system failed, and he caught a never-ending series of viruses and infections.他的免疫系统出了问题,不断受到病毒和感染侵袭Despite the recent inroads made by competitors in the industry, the company is still doing well.尽管最近这家公司遭到了业内竞争对手的侵袭,但目前的运营仍保持良好态势。Mothballs can effectively keep off the insects.樟脑丸可有效地防止昆虫的侵袭The first nip of winter fell on London.冬天的初寒侵袭伦敦。We have planted trees as a hedge against shifting sand.我们植树以防流沙的侵袭The house stands on a bleak, windswept hilltop.这座房子坐落在一个饱受风雨侵袭的荒山顶上。




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