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They took us to court for infringing copyright laws.他们以侵犯版权法为由把我们告上法庭。By publishing the book, they were guilty of infringing copyright.出版此书,他们犯了侵犯版权罪。French Connection confirmed that its lawyers would be looking at the campaign in case there had been a breach of copyright.法式连结公司证实,其律师将会关注宣传活动,以免出现侵犯版权的行为。A backup copy of a computer program does not infringe copyright.计算机程式的备份版不侵犯版权。She threatened legal action against the newspaper for breach of copyright.她扬言要对这家报纸侵犯版权的行为采取法律行动。He faces charges of copyright infringement.他面临侵犯版权的指控。They sued her for breach of copyright.他们起诉她侵犯版权。 |