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例句 She admits things are bad, but argues they were even worse under the previous government.她承认情况很糟,但又争辩说在前政府的领导下情况更糟糕。He admits to having hit the lowest point in his life.他承认已经到了他人生的最低谷。He admits that he's a terrible flirt. 他承认他总爱打情骂俏。She admits that stamp collecting isn't everyone's cup of tea.她承认并非人人都喜欢集邮。Each ticket admits one member and one guest.每张票可以让一位会员和一位客人进入。The director admits that he was less than enthusiastic about the new school uniforms.主任承认说他过去对新校服一点兴趣也没有。Inside, he admits, his emotions may be churning, but you would never guess it.他承认,内心里他可能心潮起伏,但你根本不会猜到。Everton admits to being astounded at the popularity of the book.埃弗顿承认这本书的畅销让他感到吃惊。The report admits to several outstanding questions about the safety of the waste dumps.报告承认关于废料堆的安全存在一些突出问题。At least he admits to his faults.至少他承认自己有缺点。Chief McNally admits he's been called many things, some of them unprintable.麦克纳利酋长承认他被人骂过各种各样的话,其中有些是不能刊印的。The fact that his parents take little interest in his life hurts him more than he admits.父母不大关心他的生活,这对他伤害很深,只是他不愿意承认罢了。Analysts fear the situation is even worse than the leadership admits.分析家担心情况比领导层承认的还要糟。The company admits its costs are still too high.该公司承认其成本仍然过高。Brazilians look gloomily forward to a New Year that even the president admits will be grey and cheerless.展望新年,巴西人心情沮丧,甚至连总统都承认明年困难重重,不容乐观。He admits to dying his hair out of vanity.他承认染头发是出于虚荣心。He freely admits he is jealous.他坦率地承认自己感到忌妒。He admits that, during the execution of a painting, things do change all the time.他承认,在一幅画的创作过程中,情况是一直在变化的。She admits that her height is intimidating for some men.她承认自己的高个头会令有些男人却步。She freely admits that what she said was wrong.她坦率地承认她说错了。She admits that she occasionally bets on horses.她承认自己有时也赌马。A cupola admits light from above.圆顶阁让光线从上方照进来。The theater admits 1000 people.这剧院可容纳一千人。He admits to having hit the lowest point in his life .他承认自己跌到了一生中的最低谷。She admits her French is terrible.她承认自己的法语很蹩脚。He admits to stealing the car.他承认偷了那辆汽车。He denies accepting backhanders, though he admits being offered them.他否认受贿,但承认有人向他行贿。He admits candidly that he is a drug addict.他坦率地承认自己吸毒成瘾。This order admits of two interpretations.这项命令可以有两种解释。Sarah 's anger begins to melt as Ian admits to his fears.当伊恩承认自己很恐惧时,莎拉的愤怒开始平息。He admits that he made an error of judgement.他承认判断失误。The college admits students anytime during the year.该学院一年中随时招生。The college only admits visitors in organized groups.这所学院只允许有组织的团体访客进入。Phillips openly admits to having an alcohol problem.菲利普斯公开承认有酗酒问题。Crane admits that he is addicted to gambling.克兰承认自己嗜赌成瘾。Tom admits that playing video games sometimes distracts him from his homework.汤姆承认玩电子游戏有时会使他无心做作业。She supports the bill although she admits it has almost no chance of being passed.她支持这个议案,尽管她承认这个议案几乎没有可能通过。He admits that a lot of his troubles are entirely of his own making.他承认他的许多麻烦完全是他自找的。Cait freely admits that she's no good at anything except singing.凯特大方地承认自己除了唱歌其他都不行。He admits he was airbrushed, slimmed and dewrinkled for the cover shot.他承认他的封面照片做过变瘦和去皱纹的处理。




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