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Government organizations dealt with housing problems at a snail's pace.政府机构对住房问题处理得十分缓慢。Later he turned his attention to the desperate state of housing in the province.其后,他将注意力转向了该省形势严峻的住房问题。Housing occupied a prominent place in the discussions.住房问题在讨论中占据了突出的地位。The housing provisions in the bill were regarded as less than half a loaf by the urban poor.法案中有关住房问题的规定被城市贫民认为跟所希望的差得太远。I've never denied that there is a housing problem.我从未否认过存在住房问题。In talking about this, you could hardly keep the housing problem out of the picture.谈到这一点,就不可能不谈及住房问题。The bureau provides advice on all kinds of housing problems.该机构提供各种住房问题的咨询。 |