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The approach to learning at this school stands in marked contrast to the traditional methods used at other schools nearby.这所学校的学习方法和附近其他学校所用的传统方法有着明显的不同。A lot of conventional farmers have converted to organic.许多用传统方法耕作的农民已改为有机耕作。It was a handmade rug produced by traditional methods.这是一张用传统方法手工制造的小地毯。Despite his unconventional methods, he has inspired pupils more than anyone else.他没有用传统方法,却比别人更能启发学生。All our flours are milled using traditional methods.我们所有的面粉全是用传统方法碾磨的。The recovery was achieved in the old-fashioned way, with cost-cutting and price increases.用削减成本和提高价格的传统方法实现了经济复苏。The stained-glass panels are etched and then hand-painted using traditional methods.彩色玻璃窗上蚀刻了图案,并用传统方法手工着色。Some farmers still make cheese the old-fashioned way.一些农场主仍在用传统方法制作奶酪。In some areas, modern intensive farming is giving way to the re-introduction of traditional methods.在一些地区,现代集约型农业正在被重新使用的传统方法取代。The cheese is made according to tradition. 这种奶酪是按传统方法制成的。He took an orthodox approach to the problem.他采用传统方法解决那个问题。 |