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Many infectious diseases have been virtually eliminated.事实上许多传染病已经被根除了。Some infections are now resistant to drugs.现在有些传染病有抗药性。I picked up a nasty infection from the water.我从水中感染了一种严重的传染病。The infection raged in Greater Shanghai.传染病在上海及邻近地区迅猛蔓延。People can fight infection more easily if they have an adequate diet.良好的饮食可以使人更容易抵御传染病。Some infections can be quite persistent.有些传染病十分顽固。Medical supplies have been distributed among families affected by the epidemic.医药用品已经分发给受传染病影响的家庭。There was a bug going around at the club.这个俱乐部流行着一种轻微的传染病。Fears about an epidemic are being perpetuated by the media.媒体总在不断报道传染病引起的恐慌。Infectious diseases are spreading among many of the flood victims.传染病正在很多洪灾灾民中蔓延。Leprosy is an indolent infectious disease.麻风是一种进展缓慢的传染病。The infection went round the whole city.这种传染病传遍了全市。One theory is that the infection has been present in humans for a very long time.有一种理论认为,这种传染病存在于人类中已经有很长时间了。The virus can actually destroy those white blood cells, leaving the body wide open to attack from other infections.该病毒实际上会破坏那些白血球,使身体极易受到其他传染病感染。Her observations confirm concerns being voiced by infectious-disease specialists.她的观察结果证实了传染病专家们的担心。The infection was so widespread that few escaped.传染病传播得非常广泛,很少人得以幸免。Sufferers from the infectious disease are isolated.感染到这种传染病的人被隔离起来。Doctors have voiced fears that we may be facing an epidemic.我们可能爆发传染病,医生对此说有担忧。Coughs and sneezes spread infections.咳嗽和打喷嚏会传播传染病。All pregnant women are to be screened for the infection.所有孕妇都要做这种传染病筛查。Strong measures are urgently needed to contain the epidemic.急需强有力的措施来遏制这种传染病的传播。Epidemics wiped out the local population.传染病导致当地人口灭绝。He was recovering from an infection.他得了传染病,正在康复中。There is a risk of transmission of the virus between hypodermic users.接受皮下注射者有相互传染病毒的可能。There was no danger of transmitting the infection through operations.不存在通过手术传播这种传染病的风险。A draft of the document was reviewed by experts on hospital infection control.这份文件的草稿由医院传染病控制专家审核。A part of the hospital was set off for the care of contagious disease.医院的一部分被拨出来供护理传染病患者用。These results highlight the growing threat posed by this infection.这些结果凸显了这种传染病日益增长的威胁。There's a nasty infection going round, so I hear.我听说最近有一种严重的传染病。Normally, white blood cells fight off and kill infections.正常情况下,白细胞能抵抗并消灭传染病菌。The major impact of this epidemic worldwide is yet to come.这种传染病在世界范围内的重大影响还未完全显现。Travellers to India are advised to get vaccinated against infectious diseases such as typhoid before they go.建议去印度旅行的人在出发前打疫苗以防止染上伤寒等传染病。The infection is passed on through the horse feed.这种传染病是通过马饲料传播的。People with contagious diseases should be isolated.传染病患者应予以隔离。The disease leaves the body defenseless against infection.这种病使人体无法抵御传染病侵袭。 |