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词汇 优柔寡断
例句 Any changes to the plan would be construed as indecision.对计划的任何改动都会被视为优柔寡断They can be irritatingly indecisive at times.他们有时优柔寡断得令人恼火。The changes come after mounting criticism that the government is weak and indecisive.随着对政府软弱和优柔寡断的批评愈演愈烈,情况终于有了变化。He came across as a weak and indecisive leader.他给人的印象是一个软弱无力、优柔寡断的领导者。It is easy to find excuses for his indecisiveness.为他的优柔寡断找到理由是很容易的。The worst reason to launch an attack would be a fear of seeming irresolute.因为担心看上去优柔寡断而发动攻击,这样的理由是最糟糕的。She seems constitutionally unable to make decisions.她似乎天生优柔寡断He thinks that indecisiveness is a mark of weakness. 他认为优柔寡断是软弱的表现。It is not perhaps surprising that the administration now appears so indecisive and unfocused.政府现在优柔寡断、毫无章法,这或许并不奇怪。He is widely thought to be an indecisive leader.大家普遍认为他是个优柔寡断的领导人。The President's flip-flops on taxes made him appear indecisive.总统在税收问题上的一再反复使他显得优柔寡断I was impressed by Leonard's confidence and certainty over against his brother's weakness and hesitation.与他弟弟的软弱和优柔寡断形成对比的是,伦纳德自信又果断,给我留下了很深的印象。Greg was racked by doubts and indecision.格雷格因疑虑和优柔寡断而痛苦不堪。They say that the government is weak and indecisive.他们说政府软弱无能、优柔寡断He was a weak-willed and indecisive ruler.他是一位意志薄弱、优柔寡断的统治者。Bush looked like a cinch against the feckless candidacy of Reno.优柔寡断的候选人雷诺比起来,布什的当选看上去是板上钉钉的事了。An indecisive commander is unlikely to win the confidence of his men.一个优柔寡断的指挥官不大可能得到部下的信任。Indecision is his chief defect.优柔寡断是他的主要缺点。I can't abide people who can't make up their minds.我受不了优柔寡断的人。He who hesitates is lost.优柔寡断者必然有失。They were paralyzed by indecision.他们因优柔寡断而寸步难行。He said that the Government had been feeble.他说政府一直优柔寡断She was foiled by her own indecision.她败在了自己的优柔寡断上。Critics say he has been weak and indecisive.评论家说他既懦弱又优柔寡断Their indecision has been replaced by confidence and steely determination.他们的优柔寡断已经被自信和钢铁般的决心所取代。Her opponent has accused her of waffling on the important issues.她的对手指责她在重要问题上优柔寡断The President's flip-flops on taxes made him appear indecisive.总统在税收问题上的大转弯给人以优柔寡断的印象。The mayor was criticized by radical reformers for his indecisiveness.市长因优柔寡断而受到了激进改革者的批评。The team has been plagued by indecision and internal divisions.优柔寡断与内部分裂深深困扰着该团队。The main character is so wet that it's hard to feel sorry for him.男主人公太优柔寡断,难以让人同情。The government appears to be both ineffectual and indecisive.该政府显得无能为力、优柔寡断The time has come to stop hesitating and make a decision.现在应该停止优柔寡断并做出决定了。Hunter is infirm of purpose.亨特为人优柔寡断He was criticised as a weak and indecisive leader.作为领导他被指责作风软弱,优柔寡断Although she comes across as impulsive, Harper is actually very cautious and indecisive.尽管哈珀给人的印象是很冲动的,她实际上十分小心、优柔寡断




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