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词汇 这个队
例句 The team has dropped to third place.这个队排名降到了第三位。The team is doing good this year.这个队今年表现不错。The team has been beleaguered by errors.这个队一直深受各种失误的困扰。There are many good players on the team, but she's a special talent.这个队有很多优秀的运动员,但她是个特殊的人才。The team's best player is injured, so someone else needs to step up.这个队最好的球员受伤了,所以需要有人站出来挑大梁。This year the team is really stinking up the joint.今年这个队表现极差。The team lost three games but won the next four.这个队连输三场,但接着赢了四场。We've just added some young blood to the team.我们刚刚为这个队增添了新人。The team has an equal number of wins and losses.这个队胜负场数相同。The team has a lot of raw talent. 这个队有很多有天赋但缺乏经验的队员。The team has become the laughingstock of the league.这个队已经成为联赛的笑柄。The team competes in a local league.这个队参加当地的联赛。The team is a lock to win the championship.这个队一定能赢得锦标赛。The team suffered defeat at the hands of their oldest rivals.这个队败在老对手的手下。The team got flattened in the first round of the play-offs.这个队在季后赛的首轮比赛中就被彻底击败。The team had a rocky start this season.这个队本赛季出师不利。The team was driven hard by the coach.这个队受到教练的严格训练。The team now have their own all-weather stadium, and matches are rarely cancelled.这个队现在有了自己的全天候体育场,比赛很少被取消了。The team have been relegated to the Second Division.这个队已被降为乙级队。The team has a strong rushing defense/attack.这个队有很强的带球跑动防守/进攻能力。The team had a horrible season last year.这个队在去年的赛季中表现得糟糕。The loss of their goalkeeper through injury was a major setback for the team.守门员因伤缺阵是这个队的一大损失。The team's miserly owner refused to pay for new equipment.这个队的小气老板不愿意花钱购置新设备。The team's technical limitations were exposed by the Italians.意大利人使这个队的技术缺陷暴露无遗。The team defied the odds and won the championship.这个队克服了重重困难,最终成功夺冠。Welcome to the team. It's great to have you on board.欢迎你加入这个队。有你参加进来真是太好了。The team got a new coach partway through the season.赛季中这个队换了新教练。The team/department is short-staffed. 这个队/部门人手不足。The team has earned a reputation for poor sportsmanship.这个队以体育精神不佳闻名。The team has been on a roll since midseason.从赛季中期开始,这个队就连交好运,赢了多场比赛。He was brought to the team in an off-season trade.他是在非赛季期间转会到这个队的。The team got/took a good licking in the first game of the season.这个队在本赛季的第一场比赛中遭到惨败。The team is expected to contend for the championship this year.这个队今年有望赢得锦标赛冠军。The team has been cursed by injuries all year.一年来,这个队的队员一直为伤病所困扰。The team leaped from last place to first place.这个队从排名垫底跃居首位。The team lost with alarming frequency.这个队屡次失利,让人担忧。This team worked overtime in emulation of another team.为了超越另一个队这个队加班加点地工作。The team has had to place several key players on the disabled list.这个队不得不将几名主力队员列入伤病运动员名单。The injury to their best player was a serious blow to the team's chances. 最佳选手的受伤让这个队获胜的机会遭到重挫。The team has one of the best infields in the league.这个队拥有一名联赛中数一数二的内野手。




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