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词汇 价格高
例句 Some prices are preposterously high.有些价格高得离谱。The bill for dinner was exorbitant.晚餐的价格高得离谱。I knew the base price for the car, but with the add-ons I wanted, the final price was quite a bit higher.我知道这辆汽车的底价,但加上我想要的各种配件以后价格高了很多。This house costs more/less than most of the other houses in the area.这幢房子的价格高于/低于这一地区大多数房子的房价。Their flat cost a horrific amount.他们的公寓价格高得吓人。The prices are preposterously high.价格高得离谱。Shoppers complained about poor quality merchandise and high prices.顾客抱怨商品质量差、价格高If you can, wait to sell until prices are high.你如果能等的话,就等到价格高了再卖。Highly priced shares are unpopular among investors.价格高的股票不受投资者欢迎。Properties in this desirable part of west London do command stiff prices.伦敦西区这个热门地段的房产价格高得离谱。They have been investing in costly new equipment.他们一直投资于价格高昂的新设备。The price was prohibitively high.价格高得令人望而却步。You paid a high/low/reasonable price for the car.你买的车价格高/低/合理。Once serving only small portions at high prices, the restaurant has gone to the opposite extreme under the new owners. 这家饭店以前价格高,菜量少;换了新老板之后走向了另一个极端:价格低,菜量足。The prices were much higher. So we decided to write that off.价格高出很多,所以我们决定将它取消。They realised that some of their prices were higher than their competitors', and revised prices accordingly.他们发现自己的一些价格高于竞争对手,于是做出了相应的调整。These shoes are very nice, but they're really overpriced.这些鞋子很漂亮,但价格高得吓人。They realised that some of their prices were higher than their competitors' and revised prices accordingly.他们意识到自己有些价格高于竞争对手,就相应调整了价格。The price of a cut and blow-dry varies widely.剪发并吹干的价格高低不等。Property in the area is now fetching ridiculously high prices.现在这个地区房子的价格高得离谱。Prices are variable so shop around.价格高低不一,所以要货比三家。There are more people buying at this time of the year so prices are high.这个季节购物的人比较多,所以价格高The shop only sells gourmet food, at astronomical prices.该店只卖精美食品,价格高得惊人。The restaurants in this city are impossibly expensive.这个城市的餐馆价格高得离谱。The graph shows two very sharp price peaks.该图显示出两个非常明显的价格高峰。The prices are variable so shop around by all means.价格高低不一,所以一定要货比三家,逐店选购。Their prices are a scandal.他们的价格高得令人发指。The prices are wicked in that shop.那家商店的价格高得无法无天。The price of fuel is prohibitive.燃料的价格高得令人望而却步。




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