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词汇 断层
例句 Fault breccias which are chloritized stand out green against the virgin rock.绿泥石化了的断层角砾岩在原岩的衬托下绿莹莹的显得格外醒目。Philologists puzzle over the origins of Basque in the way that geologists puzzle over the deep structure of faults.正如地质学家对断层的深层结构感到窘惑一样,历史语言学家也对巴斯克语的来源迷惑不解。The researchers carried out a PET scan to monitor his brain activity.研究人员采用正电子计算机断层摄片来监看他的大脑活动。There is still movement along the older faults in eastern California.加利福尼亚东部地区的老断层仍然有活动。They comprised a complex of Lower Palaeozoic rocks variously folded, faulted, or metamorphosed.它们由一个下古生界的岩石复合体构成,有的被折叠,有的产生了断层,有的发生了变质。Frequent earthquakes have occurred along the San Andreas Fault.在沿圣安德列斯断层一带,地震频繁发生。The doctor arranged for me to have a CAT scan.医生安排给我做一个计算机化轴向断层摄影扫描。




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