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词汇 付给
例句 She stiffed the cab driver.她没有付给出租车司机钱。I arranged to pay him the dollars when he got there, a purely private arrangement. All the same, it was illegal.我准备等他到那儿时付给他美元,纯属私人安排。不过同样也是非法的。He demanded payment of the money that was owed to him.他索要应该付给他的钱。Many people have slammed the company for not paying its workers decent wages.这家公司没有付给工人合理的工资,遭到了许多人的猛烈抨击。How much maintenance does he pay his ex-wife?付给前妻多少生活费?I have no cash on me. Can I pay you later?我没带现金,能否以后付给你? Alighting from the taxi, she paid off the driver.她从出租车上下来,把钱付给司机。The dockers are claiming dirty money for handling a cargo of red oxide.码头工人因搬运一船红色氧化物正要求付给污损补贴。The money was in fact payment by the CIA for services rendered.这些钱其实是中央情报局付给的工作报酬。Whatever he's offering, we'll pay you double.无论他开什么价,我们都会付给你双倍的钱。You'll pay some hefty bank charges if you go overdrawn without permission.如果未经允许透支,你就要付给银行一大笔费用。Don't let him wriggle out of paying you for your work.别让他耍花招,不付给你报酬。I expect a salary of at least one large iron man.我指望得到的至少是一份相当于付给一个积极肯干的大个儿那样的薪俸。A lot of money is owing to me.还有很多钱没付给我。Larry paid some quack over a thousand dollars to cure his insomnia.拉里付给某个江湖郎中一千多元治疗失眠症。I would rather pay the individuals than let the money go to the State by default.我宁愿把这些钱付给个人,也不愿它们因未作任何处置而自动地归国家所有。He says he'll sit there until hell freezes over before he'll pay them even one penny.他说他宁可一直坐在那里,一分钱也不会付给他们。Pay me now or later – it makes no odds.现在付给我或者晚点再付都没关系。I managed to talk them into paying me more money.我设法说服他们付给我更多钱。She paid him the agreed price.她按双方商定的价格付给他钱。I'm paid by direct credit into my bank account.付给我的钱直接记在我的银行账户上。He paid his brother five dollars to settle the bet.付给弟弟五美元结清了赌金。Do you pay your landlord a fixed charge for heating?你是不是付给你的房东固定的取暖费? Ford had the bright idea of paying workers enough to buy cars.福特公司想出了付给工人足够的薪水去购买汽车这一绝妙的主意。I'll pay you the rest tomorrow, if that's OK with you.如果你认为可以,我明天把余款付给你。They refused him sick pay when he had the flu, which is a shoddy way to treat an employee.他得流感休假时,他们拒绝付给他病假工资,这样对待员工也太冷漠了。The company paid kickbacks to local officials to win contracts worth millions of dollars.这家公司付给当地官员大笔回扣以赢得价值数百万美元的合同。She fobbed him off with a promise to pay him the money next week.她答应下周付给他钱,把他敷衍了过去。He's accused of paying her hush money to keep their affair secret.他被控付给她封口费,让她保守他们之间暖昧关系的秘密。Many employers are only too ready to exploit and underpay female part-time workers.许多雇主很会剥削兼职女工,付给她们很微薄的薪水。She says she was cheated out of $10,000 she paid to a modeling agency.她说她把一万美元付给一家模特儿公司,结果被骗。If they make you work during holidays, they pay you time and a half.如果他们让你在假期工作,他们会付给你一倍半的工资。The government paid the family an indemnity for the missing pictures.政府因为丢失照片而付给这家人一笔补偿金。He didn't pay me anything.他没有付给我任何报酬。Your last month's salary will be paid by remittance.最后一个月的薪水将透过汇寄的方式付给你。I don't have much cash at the moment. Could I pay you next week?我手头钱不多,下周付给你行吗?Her husband failed to pay her the agreed sum of money.她的丈夫没能付给她商定好的那笔钱。She feed the waiter.付给侍者小费。Our local newspaper pays free-lance writers at space rate.本地的报纸按稿件篇幅付给自由撰稿人稿酬。We waited for the old skinflint to find his wallet and pay us our money.我们等着那老吝啬鬼找到他的钱包,然后把钱付给我们。




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